Thursday, December 20, 2007
Hello all!
I realize it's been about three weeks since my last post of any kind, so I figured an update is due.
(this will be short and to the point because I have stuff to do)
I had a great time at home with my friends for a day after finals.
I have been working, but not a lot.
I have been sick *again*.
I have 3 hours left of 24 season 6 and I'm DYING to know what happens!
I saw Bryan for my graduation!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
My family came up for it as well!
I leave Saturday for my Christmas vacation which includes:
*singing at my home church Sunday
*leaving with my family Sunday afternoon for Cincinnati
*games at my cousin Brett's Sunday night
*hanging out with the Bartlow clan Christmas eve and shopping with lil' brudder
*CHRISTMAS with the rest of the gang
*home for my house Christmas
*skiing with my brother and daddy (Bryan!?)
*visiting B for his birthday
*heading back here on the 4th for work the next morning
That's pretty much the plan.
I have been having a nice, relaxing time hanging out with the roommate and Lou as well as becoming addicted to The Office and season 6 of 24!
A more substantial post will come at SOME point!
I realize it's been about three weeks since my last post of any kind, so I figured an update is due.
(this will be short and to the point because I have stuff to do)
I had a great time at home with my friends for a day after finals.
I have been working, but not a lot.
I have been sick *again*.
I have 3 hours left of 24 season 6 and I'm DYING to know what happens!
I saw Bryan for my graduation!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
My family came up for it as well!
I leave Saturday for my Christmas vacation which includes:
*singing at my home church Sunday
*leaving with my family Sunday afternoon for Cincinnati
*games at my cousin Brett's Sunday night
*hanging out with the Bartlow clan Christmas eve and shopping with lil' brudder
*CHRISTMAS with the rest of the gang
*home for my house Christmas
*skiing with my brother and daddy (Bryan!?)
*visiting B for his birthday
*heading back here on the 4th for work the next morning
That's pretty much the plan.
I have been having a nice, relaxing time hanging out with the roommate and Lou as well as becoming addicted to The Office and season 6 of 24!
A more substantial post will come at SOME point!
Monday, December 3, 2007
Three Years in the Gospel of John
I suggest that everyone read the above article.
Bryan sent it to me because I am the CHIEF of making excuses for not being disciplined to consistently read scripture. I am a busy girl (which is an entirely different can of worms) but I let the business of my schedule get in the way of my time in the Word. In this article, he talks about his 3 year trek through the Gospel of John...instead of his one year, as originally planned. He gives a list of things he did that caused him to take such a long time, and encourages us not to do the same. Ha! It was really refreshing to read that because most of the people in my life are disciplined in this area *coughBryanandLoucough* and it was nice to read suggestions on how to overcome it from someone who has!
I suggest that everyone read the above article.
Bryan sent it to me because I am the CHIEF of making excuses for not being disciplined to consistently read scripture. I am a busy girl (which is an entirely different can of worms) but I let the business of my schedule get in the way of my time in the Word. In this article, he talks about his 3 year trek through the Gospel of John...instead of his one year, as originally planned. He gives a list of things he did that caused him to take such a long time, and encourages us not to do the same. Ha! It was really refreshing to read that because most of the people in my life are disciplined in this area *coughBryanandLoucough* and it was nice to read suggestions on how to overcome it from someone who has!
Sunday, December 2, 2007
Friday, November 23, 2007
Caffeine high
So I'm not supposed to have caffeine. It's all good, I don't usually have much of it anyway. Since I've been doing a FAIRLY good job at sticking to the diet...I haven't had much caffeine. I had a few cokes this week *it was a holiday...don't judge me* haha
My roommate Sommer and I LOVE sweet tea and she makes the BEST sweet tea ever! However, I forget that when I'm gone...she doesn't make the decaf kind of sweet tea...but she makes regular. She forgot that I was coming home naturally she didn't leave a note stating "this tea is not decaf". I got home around 2 this afternoon, and I've been drinking the "decaf" tea since I got LEAST 3 glasses...if not more than that. She informed me around 1030 tonight, when she got home, that the tea was not decaf like I originally thought.
...I had been bouncing off the walls for a few hours and couldn't figure out why...
I now know.
You should all pray for Bryan because we just got off a phone date...and I talked and talked and talked and talked...and he sat there and had to listen to me exhaust him. It was pretty terrible. Sorry B.
I never realized that caffeine would affect me this much because it never has in the past...but I suppose that's what you get when you don't have it for awhile! HMMMMM
k, time to read!
My roommate Sommer and I LOVE sweet tea and she makes the BEST sweet tea ever! However, I forget that when I'm gone...she doesn't make the decaf kind of sweet tea...but she makes regular. She forgot that I was coming home naturally she didn't leave a note stating "this tea is not decaf". I got home around 2 this afternoon, and I've been drinking the "decaf" tea since I got LEAST 3 glasses...if not more than that. She informed me around 1030 tonight, when she got home, that the tea was not decaf like I originally thought.
...I had been bouncing off the walls for a few hours and couldn't figure out why...
I now know.
You should all pray for Bryan because we just got off a phone date...and I talked and talked and talked and talked...and he sat there and had to listen to me exhaust him. It was pretty terrible. Sorry B.
I never realized that caffeine would affect me this much because it never has in the past...but I suppose that's what you get when you don't have it for awhile! HMMMMM
k, time to read!
Thursday, November 22, 2007
This Thanksgiving break, I did exactly what I do every Thanksgiving break...
make a plan for all the work I have to do...
and do none of it!
on this Thursday of the break (HAPPY THANKSGIVING!!!) I still have NOTHING done that I needed to get done...
However, I think that the ability to sit around for HOURS and watch "The Office" with my dad and lil' brudder will be just what I need to sit down and pound out the work for the rest of the semester....because if I think about it logically...I DO have enough time to get everything done if I just DO it.
I just need to get over my 'I graduate in 3 weeks' syndrome and all will be right with the world!
*good luck there right!*
Break has been amazing thus far!
I got to spend time with Bryan!!!!!!!!!!!!! It was amazing to see him, FINALLY!!!!!!!!! :D
The last time I saw him was October 2...NOT COOL!
BUT that's the longest gap we'll have to go, so we're past the long one!!!!! YAY!!!
I also got to see some really great old friends...some I hadn't seen in 7 years!
My lil' brudder is pretty much the coolest kid I know, and I was reminded of that this week!
I also figured out that my last Sunday in Morganland will be March 16...and I'll move back home after my birthday!
I was at Walmart and I realized that in a few months...I'll be there on a semi-regular basis...running into EVERYONE I HAVE EVER KNOWN!
I saw my bride-to-be and her fiancee!!! WONDERFUL!
I love thanksgiving!!!
I love my family!!!
I love my boyfriend!!!
I love my friends!!!
make a plan for all the work I have to do...
and do none of it!
on this Thursday of the break (HAPPY THANKSGIVING!!!) I still have NOTHING done that I needed to get done...
However, I think that the ability to sit around for HOURS and watch "The Office" with my dad and lil' brudder will be just what I need to sit down and pound out the work for the rest of the semester....because if I think about it logically...I DO have enough time to get everything done if I just DO it.
I just need to get over my 'I graduate in 3 weeks' syndrome and all will be right with the world!
*good luck there right!*
Break has been amazing thus far!
I got to spend time with Bryan!!!!!!!!!!!!! It was amazing to see him, FINALLY!!!!!!!!! :D
The last time I saw him was October 2...NOT COOL!
BUT that's the longest gap we'll have to go, so we're past the long one!!!!! YAY!!!
I also got to see some really great old friends...some I hadn't seen in 7 years!
My lil' brudder is pretty much the coolest kid I know, and I was reminded of that this week!
I also figured out that my last Sunday in Morganland will be March 16...and I'll move back home after my birthday!
I was at Walmart and I realized that in a few months...I'll be there on a semi-regular basis...running into EVERYONE I HAVE EVER KNOWN!
I saw my bride-to-be and her fiancee!!! WONDERFUL!
I love thanksgiving!!!
I love my family!!!
I love my boyfriend!!!
I love my friends!!!
Sunday, November 18, 2007
Tuesday, November 13, 2007
Finale pictures
Monday, November 12, 2007
Happiness to pictures
2007 Mountaineer Idol
I won!
holy cow!! haha I really still, even now, can not believe it. I have also realized how much I don't really like the attention! HAHA I mean...I enjoy the spotlight...let's face it, I wouldn't be a performance major if I didn't...but I do NOT really like the attention from this. It's ok. I'm not gonna complain about it! I don't think I could be famous though! I tend to hide my face or shy away when people congratulate me in front of a large group of other people. haha Good thing God has called me to something else! :D
I figured I would put the articles from the Post and the DA in here for those of you (*coughBryanKatyandBethcough*) who live far away and won't be able to read them!
I have to say thank you so much for all of your encouraging words throughout this competition. Thank you for putting up with only reading out this stuff for a couple months! haha It was only by the grace of God that I even had the chance to perform...or even have this voice! SO it all goes to Him. not me!
"Bartlow win '07 Mountaineer Idol"
by J. Myles Layton *The Dominion Post*
Samantha Bartlow, a budding opera singer, reigns as the 2007 Mountaineer Idol
Shortly after capturing the title Sunday at the Metropolitan Theatre, Bartlow said, "I don't know what to do with myself right now. I can't believe I won. I really, really can't."
Bartlow was still in shock when she was asked by The Dominion Post if she had any plans to go to Disney World like all those guys on TV after they win a Superbowl of World Series.
"I'm going to church tonight to thank God for everything," she said. "If it wasn't for Him, I don't believe that I would have the voice that I have, or the opportunity to use it."
A field of 65 contestants was narrowed to 15 semifinalists, who have been competing in various genres of music since August.
"If you were only and opera singer, and then you had to sing a country song when you got to the country would have to be a wellrounded singer to be able to sing the various genres of music required in this competition," said Sonja Wilson, Mountaineer Idol coordinator.
The finalists were Bartlow, Julie Cerrone, who was second place, and Nicole Mata, third place. On the final day of the competition, they each had to sing three songs. On Sunday, each of these finists was judged on three songs - one previously performed song, a new song and one selected by Kasey Hott, the 2006 Mountaineer Idol and master of ceremonies. The contestant with the highest score won $1,000.
"The finale showcases the hard work and effort that students have put into Mountaineer Idol," Wilson said. "Our winner, Samantha, belted out a diverse group of songs to sing the title of Mountaineer Idol - a title she will remember always."
Mountaineer Idol began in 2004 when WVU student Marci Lane sang herself to Hollywood for the third season of American idol. After being eliminated, she brought the idea back to WVU as a way to showcase student talent at the university.
Before the judges made their decision, The Dominion Post went backstage to interview the three finalists.
With long brown curly hari and brown eyes, Cerrone, 22, looks somewhat like American Idol sensation Kelly Clarkson. She was standing in a dimly lit hallway off stage and sang Ira nd George Gershwin's "Someone to watch over me."
"I've been practicing a lot," said Cerrone, 22, a WVU senior from Pittsburgh, who won second place in 2005. "I do this because I love being in the spotlight singing. Performing gives me a rush."
If Cerrone were ever to audition before notorious American Idol judge Simon Cowell, she said he would probably say she "has what it takes to be the next Americal Idol."
Bartlow, 22, a WVU senior, said she is definitely not what people would consider a pop princess. Though Bartlow belted out blues, pop and rock songs during the competition, in truth, this music major is more comfortable singing opera.
The statuesque 5-foot 11-inch blonde from Chapmanville demonstrated her range with a few notes from Puccini's "Tosca" that could probably shatter crystal and send that cliched fat lady at every opera house into a jealous rage.
If Bartlow were to audition in front of Cowell, she said he would say to her, "you don't have a very pop music voice, but I think you have good control."
Mata, 19, was born in the Philippines, but grew up in Charleston. The WVU freshman practices singing whenever she gest a spare moment.
"I sing into my iPod, in the shower, sometimes I even go to the Creative Arts Center and sing in one of hte practice rooms," she said. "It's whenever I have free time - but to me, school is first."
While Mata was waiting her turn to perform, she was sitting unnoticed in a small chair in the hall near the dressing rooms. Other performers didn't notice Mata as they walked pas her until she started singing "I have nothing," by Whitney Houston. All of a sudden, everyone took notice of the quiet, unassuming girl as her voice pierced souls with a soud that made Whitney a superstar.
Mountaineer Idol is officially sponsored by Coca-Cola, Fox 46 and "American idol."
"Bartlow wins Idol 2007"
by Shelly Davidov *The Daily Athenaeum*
After masterfully peforming three songs by vocally respected artists, Samantha Bartlow was named the 2007 Mountaineer Idol.
The Mountaineer Idol finale kicked off Sunday at 3pm to a packed and excited audience in the Metropolitan Theatre.
The show opened with a performance of Marvin Gaye and Tammi Terrell's version of "Ain't no Mountain High Enough" by eight Idol contestants, including finalists Bartlow, Julie Cerrone, and Nicole Mata.
For Round One, each finalist performed a number from a previous round that best displayed her talent and skills.
Mata took the stage first performing Alicia Keys' "How Come you Don't Call Me?" Mata put sass and soul into her performance, showing for the first time true confidence in her singing.
Bartlow gave another jaw-dropping performance of Kristin Chenoweth's "The Girl in 14G," using her operatic and acting skills to wow the crowd.
Cerrone finished Round One with Whitney Houston's version of "I will Always Love You." The audience loved her dramatic style and use of the stage.
As previous contestant Jessica Zapadka sang Ashlee Simpson's "Unreachable," the finalists prepared for Round Two.
For their second performances, the girls had to perform songs selected by the hosts.
Mata started off the round with Tina Turner's "Proud Mary." In addition to controlled, clear lyrics and vocals, Mata got into character, portraying attitude during the spoken parts of the song.
The song chosen for Bartlow was Mariah Carey's "Vision of Love." Though not that comfortable with the song, she showed off her vast higher register.
Singing the techno version of Leann Rimes, "How Do I Live?" Cerrone walked to the stage from the back of the theatre. Despite some flat notes, Cerrone interacted with the audience and had fun with her performance.
As the finalists prepared for the final round, the show welcomed more past contestants to the stage.
Priscilla Brock showed her country skills with a performance of Martina McBride's "When God Fearin Women get the Blues," while Ryan Russman channeled Broadway with "I Know Where I've Been," from Hairspray. Russman not only gave a consistent performance, but brought emotion and commanding vocals to the moving song.
For the last round of the show, the finalist performed a song of their choice.
Mata selected "I Have Nothing" by Whitney Houston. Though she started strong, Mata couldn't reach the higher notes from the song's key change. She held her composure, but Mata struggled with the rest of the number.
Bartlow chose Christina Aguilera's "Mercy on Me." Baring her soul through the music. Bartlow effortlessly flowed through Aguliera's difficult runs and lengthy notes.
Cerrone closed the final round with an a cappella performance of Ella Fitzgerald's "Someone to Watch over Me," which she dedicated to her grandmother. Though she held nothing of Fitzgerald's fluid, rich tone, the crowed loved Cerrone's belting.
While the judges tabulated the scores, more performers took the stage.
After performances by past contestants, Alex Aide and Wayne Riley, Jaqueline Dooley and the Umoja Voices of Joy choir performed a gospel number with the finalists.
After the song, hosts Kasey Hott and Nick Bartic returned with the final scores of the evening.
Mata was named second rummer-up, winning a prize of $250. Cerrone was named first runner-up, winning $750, making Bartlow the Idol winner.
Smiling and laughing through her shock, Bartlow accepted her $1,000 check.
Bartlow's shocked disbelief continued even after the show. "I thought I was going to get third place."
There you go!
Sorry it was such a novel.
holy cow!! haha I really still, even now, can not believe it. I have also realized how much I don't really like the attention! HAHA I mean...I enjoy the spotlight...let's face it, I wouldn't be a performance major if I didn't...but I do NOT really like the attention from this. It's ok. I'm not gonna complain about it! I don't think I could be famous though! I tend to hide my face or shy away when people congratulate me in front of a large group of other people. haha Good thing God has called me to something else! :D
I figured I would put the articles from the Post and the DA in here for those of you (*coughBryanKatyandBethcough*) who live far away and won't be able to read them!
I have to say thank you so much for all of your encouraging words throughout this competition. Thank you for putting up with only reading out this stuff for a couple months! haha It was only by the grace of God that I even had the chance to perform...or even have this voice! SO it all goes to Him. not me!
"Bartlow win '07 Mountaineer Idol"
by J. Myles Layton *The Dominion Post*
Samantha Bartlow, a budding opera singer, reigns as the 2007 Mountaineer Idol
Shortly after capturing the title Sunday at the Metropolitan Theatre, Bartlow said, "I don't know what to do with myself right now. I can't believe I won. I really, really can't."
Bartlow was still in shock when she was asked by The Dominion Post if she had any plans to go to Disney World like all those guys on TV after they win a Superbowl of World Series.
"I'm going to church tonight to thank God for everything," she said. "If it wasn't for Him, I don't believe that I would have the voice that I have, or the opportunity to use it."
A field of 65 contestants was narrowed to 15 semifinalists, who have been competing in various genres of music since August.
"If you were only and opera singer, and then you had to sing a country song when you got to the country would have to be a wellrounded singer to be able to sing the various genres of music required in this competition," said Sonja Wilson, Mountaineer Idol coordinator.
The finalists were Bartlow, Julie Cerrone, who was second place, and Nicole Mata, third place. On the final day of the competition, they each had to sing three songs. On Sunday, each of these finists was judged on three songs - one previously performed song, a new song and one selected by Kasey Hott, the 2006 Mountaineer Idol and master of ceremonies. The contestant with the highest score won $1,000.
"The finale showcases the hard work and effort that students have put into Mountaineer Idol," Wilson said. "Our winner, Samantha, belted out a diverse group of songs to sing the title of Mountaineer Idol - a title she will remember always."
Mountaineer Idol began in 2004 when WVU student Marci Lane sang herself to Hollywood for the third season of American idol. After being eliminated, she brought the idea back to WVU as a way to showcase student talent at the university.
Before the judges made their decision, The Dominion Post went backstage to interview the three finalists.
With long brown curly hari and brown eyes, Cerrone, 22, looks somewhat like American Idol sensation Kelly Clarkson. She was standing in a dimly lit hallway off stage and sang Ira nd George Gershwin's "Someone to watch over me."
"I've been practicing a lot," said Cerrone, 22, a WVU senior from Pittsburgh, who won second place in 2005. "I do this because I love being in the spotlight singing. Performing gives me a rush."
If Cerrone were ever to audition before notorious American Idol judge Simon Cowell, she said he would probably say she "has what it takes to be the next Americal Idol."
Bartlow, 22, a WVU senior, said she is definitely not what people would consider a pop princess. Though Bartlow belted out blues, pop and rock songs during the competition, in truth, this music major is more comfortable singing opera.
The statuesque 5-foot 11-inch blonde from Chapmanville demonstrated her range with a few notes from Puccini's "Tosca" that could probably shatter crystal and send that cliched fat lady at every opera house into a jealous rage.
If Bartlow were to audition in front of Cowell, she said he would say to her, "you don't have a very pop music voice, but I think you have good control."
Mata, 19, was born in the Philippines, but grew up in Charleston. The WVU freshman practices singing whenever she gest a spare moment.
"I sing into my iPod, in the shower, sometimes I even go to the Creative Arts Center and sing in one of hte practice rooms," she said. "It's whenever I have free time - but to me, school is first."
While Mata was waiting her turn to perform, she was sitting unnoticed in a small chair in the hall near the dressing rooms. Other performers didn't notice Mata as they walked pas her until she started singing "I have nothing," by Whitney Houston. All of a sudden, everyone took notice of the quiet, unassuming girl as her voice pierced souls with a soud that made Whitney a superstar.
Mountaineer Idol is officially sponsored by Coca-Cola, Fox 46 and "American idol."
"Bartlow wins Idol 2007"
by Shelly Davidov *The Daily Athenaeum*
After masterfully peforming three songs by vocally respected artists, Samantha Bartlow was named the 2007 Mountaineer Idol.
The Mountaineer Idol finale kicked off Sunday at 3pm to a packed and excited audience in the Metropolitan Theatre.
The show opened with a performance of Marvin Gaye and Tammi Terrell's version of "Ain't no Mountain High Enough" by eight Idol contestants, including finalists Bartlow, Julie Cerrone, and Nicole Mata.
For Round One, each finalist performed a number from a previous round that best displayed her talent and skills.
Mata took the stage first performing Alicia Keys' "How Come you Don't Call Me?" Mata put sass and soul into her performance, showing for the first time true confidence in her singing.
Bartlow gave another jaw-dropping performance of Kristin Chenoweth's "The Girl in 14G," using her operatic and acting skills to wow the crowd.
Cerrone finished Round One with Whitney Houston's version of "I will Always Love You." The audience loved her dramatic style and use of the stage.
As previous contestant Jessica Zapadka sang Ashlee Simpson's "Unreachable," the finalists prepared for Round Two.
For their second performances, the girls had to perform songs selected by the hosts.
Mata started off the round with Tina Turner's "Proud Mary." In addition to controlled, clear lyrics and vocals, Mata got into character, portraying attitude during the spoken parts of the song.
The song chosen for Bartlow was Mariah Carey's "Vision of Love." Though not that comfortable with the song, she showed off her vast higher register.
Singing the techno version of Leann Rimes, "How Do I Live?" Cerrone walked to the stage from the back of the theatre. Despite some flat notes, Cerrone interacted with the audience and had fun with her performance.
As the finalists prepared for the final round, the show welcomed more past contestants to the stage.
Priscilla Brock showed her country skills with a performance of Martina McBride's "When God Fearin Women get the Blues," while Ryan Russman channeled Broadway with "I Know Where I've Been," from Hairspray. Russman not only gave a consistent performance, but brought emotion and commanding vocals to the moving song.
For the last round of the show, the finalist performed a song of their choice.
Mata selected "I Have Nothing" by Whitney Houston. Though she started strong, Mata couldn't reach the higher notes from the song's key change. She held her composure, but Mata struggled with the rest of the number.
Bartlow chose Christina Aguilera's "Mercy on Me." Baring her soul through the music. Bartlow effortlessly flowed through Aguliera's difficult runs and lengthy notes.
Cerrone closed the final round with an a cappella performance of Ella Fitzgerald's "Someone to Watch over Me," which she dedicated to her grandmother. Though she held nothing of Fitzgerald's fluid, rich tone, the crowed loved Cerrone's belting.
While the judges tabulated the scores, more performers took the stage.
After performances by past contestants, Alex Aide and Wayne Riley, Jaqueline Dooley and the Umoja Voices of Joy choir performed a gospel number with the finalists.
After the song, hosts Kasey Hott and Nick Bartic returned with the final scores of the evening.
Mata was named second rummer-up, winning a prize of $250. Cerrone was named first runner-up, winning $750, making Bartlow the Idol winner.
Smiling and laughing through her shock, Bartlow accepted her $1,000 check.
Bartlow's shocked disbelief continued even after the show. "I thought I was going to get third place."
There you go!
Sorry it was such a novel.
Saturday, November 10, 2007
Anna Marie Gill
Anna Marie Gill
March 1st, 1985 – November 11th, 2003
How lucky I am to have known someone who was so hard to say goodbye to.
Four years have passed and it still feels like it happened yesterday. We will never forget you, beautiful.
Copied in part from Kaleena B.
March 1st, 1985 – November 11th, 2003
How lucky I am to have known someone who was so hard to say goodbye to.
Four years have passed and it still feels like it happened yesterday. We will never forget you, beautiful.
Copied in part from Kaleena B.
Thursday, November 8, 2007
Wednesday, November 7, 2007
Headline reads: "Mountaineer Idol finalist Samantha Bartlow sings her way to the top"
If you go to the "print edition" on the right hand side and go to page 5, you'll be able to see the picture too!
If you go to the "print edition" on the right hand side and go to page 5, you'll be able to see the picture too!
Monday, November 5, 2007
Idol comments
Hey kids! The finale for Mountaineer Idol is rapidly approaching! I'm pretty much a nervous pile of myself. I have opera scenes all week this week, and I'm not nervous about them at all!
In an attempt to make myself feel better (and because I'm unable to sleep at this moment...stupid nap...ya know I didn't think a 10 minute nap would keep me up this late) here are the comments in the DA from last week's performance.
(Sorry they don't have pictures Beth...I don't have a camera, and no one took any for me.)
If you don't know the pieces...look them up on youtube.
Keep me in your prayers this week if you remember. It will be a bit of a stress ball until Thanksgiving break.
On the table for the next 2 weeks:
Wednesday - opera scenes
Thursday - Louisville game
Friday - opera scenes
Saturday - opera scenes (and not work...which is NOT a good thing)
Sunday - Idol finale
Monday - dress rehearsal
Tuesday - choir concert
Wednesday - Danielle's recital
Friday - Shakespeare scene due
and BREAK means....I GET TO SEE MY BOYFRIEND FOR THE FIRST TIME SINCE OCTOBER 2ND!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
*can you tell I miss him?*
time to sleep! I think I finally made myself sleepy!!!
In an attempt to make myself feel better (and because I'm unable to sleep at this moment...stupid nap...ya know I didn't think a 10 minute nap would keep me up this late) here are the comments in the DA from last week's performance.
(Sorry they don't have pictures Beth...I don't have a camera, and no one took any for me.)
Taking on another soulful singer was the last performer, Samantha Bartlow. Wearing a long red dress and a black boa, Bartlow performed Aretha Franklin’s “Think.” Though the lyrics of verses could have been clearer, Bartlow reached every impossible note and performed with great presence.
Bartlow was last to perform. Singing Broadway star Kristen Chenoweth’s “The Girl in 14G,” Bartlow donned glasses and a black and white dress as she swung around in a chair on stage. Combining bursts of opera and scat, Bartlow told the story of a young girl’s annoyingly loud new neighbors: An opera singer and a jazz performer. Switching from a prima donna opera star to a swanky jazz singer and back again, Bartlow wowed the audience with her vocal and acting skills.I'll be performing "The Girl in 14G" for the hopefully, I can once again 'wow the audience'. I'm also doing "Mercy on Me" by Christina Aguliera...with a few tweaked lyrics since I'm not catholic, and "Vision of Love" by Mariah Carey...which I am MOST nervous about because that was the best of the 4 choices given to me by the hosts.
If you don't know the pieces...look them up on youtube.
Keep me in your prayers this week if you remember. It will be a bit of a stress ball until Thanksgiving break.
On the table for the next 2 weeks:
Wednesday - opera scenes
Thursday - Louisville game
Friday - opera scenes
Saturday - opera scenes (and not work...which is NOT a good thing)
Sunday - Idol finale
Monday - dress rehearsal
Tuesday - choir concert
Wednesday - Danielle's recital
Friday - Shakespeare scene due
and BREAK means....I GET TO SEE MY BOYFRIEND FOR THE FIRST TIME SINCE OCTOBER 2ND!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
*can you tell I miss him?*
time to sleep! I think I finally made myself sleepy!!!

Tuesday, October 30, 2007
Nostalgia meets the future
I haven't posted anything meaningful in a long time. Sorry about that!
Sometimes, I just want life to stop moving so fast...and at other times I want it to speed up so I can get to where I'd rather be.
Today is one of the former.
I find myself very nostalgic...and not about anything particular at all...just in general. Sometimes I want to go back to a simpler time that had nothing to do with homework, rehearsals, frustrations about those things, not having enough time to do dishes or clean your room...heck not even having to do dishes or clean your room!! I really miss days of playing in the woods until supper, spotlight at night, SLED RIDING IN THE WINTER!!!!!
At the same time, today is the latter.
I miss my boyfriend a TREMENDOUS amount, but he's 7 hours away...on top of that, he's not feel well I really want to speed up to August so I can be with him everyday instead of 3 days out of 75+. It's extremely painful to be so far apart. At times it's hard to go through each day getting everything accomplished for the day that I need to accomplish because all I want to do is drive to Louisville and sit with him for 5 minutes just to drive back. (Though we all know that's not feasible, so I won't REALLY do it...but only because I don't have the time to...) It sucks that he can't be here to see me in opera...or jazz...or idol. (He's trying, but I won't let him because it's super expensive to make that many trips and even if either of us had that kind of money, he has a lot of schoolwork to do).
My first instinct, being a girl who's struggled with letting people get close to her, is to push him away because somewhere in my mind I think that it will hurt less...HOWEVER, that's the dumbest thing that's ever entered my brain. (And, I must add, that it hasn't entered it for a VERY long time, so don't worry baby!) But the more I go through my days without him...the more it's very evident that it hurts a little more each day because he isn't here. SO pushing him away would be the opposite of a resolution to the situation.
It just sucks.
That's all I can say about it. I can't really put how I'm feeling into words. At the present moment, I don't want to talk to anyone...I don't want to see anyone...I don't want to have this Masquerade party tomorrow night...I don't want to walk downstairs because it's a mess, even though I cleaned it a week ago...
I don't want to talk to B because that means I'll actually have to deal with the pain in my heart. I've always been one to keep everything in (ask anyone who's known me for any significant length of time). Instead of dealing with it at the time it's happening, I tend to displace it somehow. I know I need to talk to B...and actually...*it's taken me 5 minutes just to write this paragraph*...I want to talk to him about it. I want to deal with it. No matter how anyone tries, no one can make me feel better except I'm not sure why on EARTH I'd ever not want to talk to him about it.
Sometimes...I'm a dumb girl.
I'm going to call my boyfriend in 15 minutes when he gets out of his Church History class and actually deal with what's happening in my heart. A novel idea!
...sorry this is super stream-of-consciousness.
*Something tells me that discussing the chapter in "Lies Women Believe" about Emotions in Bible study tonight is going to kick me in the I often let them run my life...see above post.*
Sometimes, I just want life to stop moving so fast...and at other times I want it to speed up so I can get to where I'd rather be.
Today is one of the former.
I find myself very nostalgic...and not about anything particular at all...just in general. Sometimes I want to go back to a simpler time that had nothing to do with homework, rehearsals, frustrations about those things, not having enough time to do dishes or clean your room...heck not even having to do dishes or clean your room!! I really miss days of playing in the woods until supper, spotlight at night, SLED RIDING IN THE WINTER!!!!!
At the same time, today is the latter.
I miss my boyfriend a TREMENDOUS amount, but he's 7 hours away...on top of that, he's not feel well I really want to speed up to August so I can be with him everyday instead of 3 days out of 75+. It's extremely painful to be so far apart. At times it's hard to go through each day getting everything accomplished for the day that I need to accomplish because all I want to do is drive to Louisville and sit with him for 5 minutes just to drive back. (Though we all know that's not feasible, so I won't REALLY do it...but only because I don't have the time to...) It sucks that he can't be here to see me in opera...or jazz...or idol. (He's trying, but I won't let him because it's super expensive to make that many trips and even if either of us had that kind of money, he has a lot of schoolwork to do).
My first instinct, being a girl who's struggled with letting people get close to her, is to push him away because somewhere in my mind I think that it will hurt less...HOWEVER, that's the dumbest thing that's ever entered my brain. (And, I must add, that it hasn't entered it for a VERY long time, so don't worry baby!) But the more I go through my days without him...the more it's very evident that it hurts a little more each day because he isn't here. SO pushing him away would be the opposite of a resolution to the situation.
It just sucks.
That's all I can say about it. I can't really put how I'm feeling into words. At the present moment, I don't want to talk to anyone...I don't want to see anyone...I don't want to have this Masquerade party tomorrow night...I don't want to walk downstairs because it's a mess, even though I cleaned it a week ago...
I don't want to talk to B because that means I'll actually have to deal with the pain in my heart. I've always been one to keep everything in (ask anyone who's known me for any significant length of time). Instead of dealing with it at the time it's happening, I tend to displace it somehow. I know I need to talk to B...and actually...*it's taken me 5 minutes just to write this paragraph*...I want to talk to him about it. I want to deal with it. No matter how anyone tries, no one can make me feel better except I'm not sure why on EARTH I'd ever not want to talk to him about it.
Sometimes...I'm a dumb girl.
I'm going to call my boyfriend in 15 minutes when he gets out of his Church History class and actually deal with what's happening in my heart. A novel idea!
...sorry this is super stream-of-consciousness.
*Something tells me that discussing the chapter in "Lies Women Believe" about Emotions in Bible study tonight is going to kick me in the I often let them run my life...see above post.*
Friday, October 26, 2007
I MADE IT THROUGH TO THE TOP 3 IN MOUNTAINEER IDOL!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
The finals are Sunday, Nov. 11 at 3:00 in the Met Theatre downtown!!!!!!
The finals are Sunday, Nov. 11 at 3:00 in the Met Theatre downtown!!!!!!
Tonight is the next round of Idol!!!
It will take us from 5 down to 3!
The top 3 automatically win money...which I could really use! haha!
The genres are Solid Gold Oldies and songs from Movies or Musicals!
I'll be singing
"Think" by Aretha Franklin
"The Girl in 14G" by Kristin Chenoweth
I'm excited!!!!
For Aretha...I'm definitely wearing a long formal red gloves...and a black feather boa!! HAHAHA
It will take us from 5 down to 3!
The top 3 automatically win money...which I could really use! haha!
The genres are Solid Gold Oldies and songs from Movies or Musicals!
I'll be singing
"Think" by Aretha Franklin
"The Girl in 14G" by Kristin Chenoweth
I'm excited!!!!
For Aretha...I'm definitely wearing a long formal red gloves...and a black feather boa!! HAHAHA
Sunday, October 21, 2007
I made it to the TOP 5!!!!!!!!!!!!
I'll update about that as soon as I get the chance!
It was AMAZING!!!!!!!
Idol veteran Samantha Bartlow really got the crowd going with her performance of Shania Twain’s “Man I Feel Like A Woman.” Strutting around the stage and having fun, Bartlow stayed true to the song’s lighthearted tone but sang with great precision and pitch. - DA*sorry that took so long (KATY) I was on Fall Retreat with College Church all weekend*
I'll update about that as soon as I get the chance!
It was AMAZING!!!!!!!
Friday, October 19, 2007
Country Night for Mountaineer Idol
Tonight is Country Night for Mountaineer Idol.
Those of you who know me know that I do NOT sing country very ALL!
(though judging by the accent one would think opposite) HOWEVER!
This girl + country music = NOT A GOOD SOUND
AND since my little battle with the laryngitis this's going to be even worse.
I changed my song from "Independence Day" by Martina McBride
"Man! I Feel Like a Woman" by Shania Twain
because I still, today, don't have much of a head voice, but I DO have a chest voice (thank you Med Express and your steroids)
we'll see how it goes tonight!
I really want to make it to the top 5...but I'm REALLY nervous about it.
(This is always the worst round for me.)
OH well!
wish me luck!
p.s. I am glad that my Crousers and my love were not swept away by the tornadoes in Louisville last night.
Those of you who know me know that I do NOT sing country very ALL!
(though judging by the accent one would think opposite) HOWEVER!
This girl + country music = NOT A GOOD SOUND
AND since my little battle with the laryngitis this's going to be even worse.
I changed my song from "Independence Day" by Martina McBride
"Man! I Feel Like a Woman" by Shania Twain
because I still, today, don't have much of a head voice, but I DO have a chest voice (thank you Med Express and your steroids)
we'll see how it goes tonight!
I really want to make it to the top 5...but I'm REALLY nervous about it.
(This is always the worst round for me.)
OH well!
wish me luck!
p.s. I am glad that my Crousers and my love were not swept away by the tornadoes in Louisville last night.
Thursday, October 18, 2007
Library frustrations
I'm sitting here at the Evansdale Library. I have a lot of things due on Monday and will be out of town this weekend, so I had this great plan to get everything done tonight and tomorrow.
Why am I blogging?
I'm glad you asked!
I'm so frustrated that if I don't vent my this point I will go home and sleep instead of doing my work.
Here's why I'm frustrated.
I have to do song translations for my lessons (totally normal thing) but the way my teacher has them set up *which is actually quite brilliant* is we do them in an excel spreadsheet which ends up getting added to the database of all his in the end we have 234234982379 words from other pieces. Which is a great idea because that way we can just look up the words in the data base instead of having to go to the dictionary, etc specifically because a lot of songs are about the same things!
The downfall to this is that I have to have both a dictionary AND a computer (because the online translation sites that I've found don't give you the part of speech)
If I translate the words in my music...I have to go back and put them in the computer it's twice as much work.
I come to the Evansdale Library *the music library* to get dictionaries and to use the computer...
where are the German, French, and Italian dictionaries?
so now, I'm here...can't do anything productive...
The good news?
I have an Italian and a German dictionary at my house...that I JUST pulled from my locker last week. (Having them at school did me no good because there was no computer.)
So why don't you just go home, Sam?
THAT too is a good question!
Because I also have research on a "take home quiz" which is really a 2 page paper, to do tonight as well and the book I need is here...
The frustration with this one:
It's supposed to be a way for him (our extremely unorganized teacher) to guage how well we've been grasping the material of the class...
it defeats the entire purpose when we have to go to sources other than our text book and lecture notes to get the information.
Doesn't it?
I mean...if you want to know if we are getting the material from should give us an assignment that reflects the material in class.
The topic is something to the effect of 'discuss Beethoven and his they progressed and his symphonies and how they progressed and how they influenced other composers.
Not a hard question.
However, he's so unorganized that the only things I have written in my notes from his lectures are
"Beethoven stretched forms"
...*blank stare*...
PLUS I left that information in the car because I was planning on concentrating on the translations at the present moment!
ok so I pretty much just wasted about 10 minutes whining about stuff that is easily fixed.
But I STILL don't understand why they wouldn't have stinking dictionaries at the library!!!
I don't care if you have 2 of them!
I'm sorry you read this...and are now thinking...'geez, stop being a brat.'
I'm working on that
I'm sitting here at the Evansdale Library. I have a lot of things due on Monday and will be out of town this weekend, so I had this great plan to get everything done tonight and tomorrow.
Why am I blogging?
I'm glad you asked!
I'm so frustrated that if I don't vent my this point I will go home and sleep instead of doing my work.
Here's why I'm frustrated.
I have to do song translations for my lessons (totally normal thing) but the way my teacher has them set up *which is actually quite brilliant* is we do them in an excel spreadsheet which ends up getting added to the database of all his in the end we have 234234982379 words from other pieces. Which is a great idea because that way we can just look up the words in the data base instead of having to go to the dictionary, etc specifically because a lot of songs are about the same things!
The downfall to this is that I have to have both a dictionary AND a computer (because the online translation sites that I've found don't give you the part of speech)
If I translate the words in my music...I have to go back and put them in the computer it's twice as much work.
I come to the Evansdale Library *the music library* to get dictionaries and to use the computer...
where are the German, French, and Italian dictionaries?
so now, I'm here...can't do anything productive...
The good news?
I have an Italian and a German dictionary at my house...that I JUST pulled from my locker last week. (Having them at school did me no good because there was no computer.)
So why don't you just go home, Sam?
THAT too is a good question!
Because I also have research on a "take home quiz" which is really a 2 page paper, to do tonight as well and the book I need is here...
The frustration with this one:
It's supposed to be a way for him (our extremely unorganized teacher) to guage how well we've been grasping the material of the class...
it defeats the entire purpose when we have to go to sources other than our text book and lecture notes to get the information.
Doesn't it?
I mean...if you want to know if we are getting the material from should give us an assignment that reflects the material in class.
The topic is something to the effect of 'discuss Beethoven and his they progressed and his symphonies and how they progressed and how they influenced other composers.
Not a hard question.
However, he's so unorganized that the only things I have written in my notes from his lectures are
"Beethoven stretched forms"
...*blank stare*...
PLUS I left that information in the car because I was planning on concentrating on the translations at the present moment!
ok so I pretty much just wasted about 10 minutes whining about stuff that is easily fixed.
But I STILL don't understand why they wouldn't have stinking dictionaries at the library!!!
I don't care if you have 2 of them!
I'm sorry you read this...and are now thinking...'geez, stop being a brat.'
I'm working on that
Wednesday, October 17, 2007
Remembering Ruby Suter
Where does the time go!? I'll show you!

I have a HUGE case of senioritis (6 weeks to go!!!! woohoo) so I am extremely lazy in the homework department this semester *not that I REALLY have that much to begin with* but without homework...I STILL have a ton to do, and I can never quite figure out where all the time in my day actually goes.
I made a schedule with classes just to keep track of those *because there are a lot* but I decided that it would be in my best interest to actually write out my full schedule instead of just my class schedule since I have so much other stuff that needs to get done. One HUGE thing being my quiet times. It's super easy for me to skip over them or cut them very short because I'm so busy. I'm not the kind of girl who can get up early in the morning and read...because I just go back to bed. I also can't do it at night before bed because I'm so tired by the end of the day that I can't concentrate. I also am not always aware of where my free time actually is throughout the day, SO hopefully this schedule will help me out a bit!
It will at least let me take a look at where my time is REALLY going and will allow me to make changes as necessary to get my priorities straight!
*edit* I'm still not quite sure why this thing hates me, but there really is a column of times to the left of Monday...they start at 7:30am and go to 10pm by the half hour...if anyone REALLY cares that much.
Saturday, October 13, 2007
laryngitis in the day of a waitress
I've been battling a bit of a cold for about a week now. It has never developed into anything more than a semi-sore throat and a small cough...until today.
I've had a few problems speaking off and on the past 2 days, but today I woke up (or shall I say...laid in bed all night not sleeping) with a bit more of a chesty cough, a sore throat, and a deep grizzled war veteran sounding speaking voice.
I took my 2 tlbs of Robitussin and went on my way to work.
About 30 minutes after wonderful medicine started to kick in. Those of you who actually know me, know that I don't drink and I RARELY take this stuff makes me FLOAT!
We got busy at 9....and didn't get off of a waiting list until 3...with 7 servers on the floor...only!
So here I am, high as a kite basically, the speaking voice getting gradually worse from having to yell back to the grill cooks, and speak loudly to our elderly costumers...
So now...I can barely make intelligible sounds come out of my mouth.
I started asking to be taken off the floor at noon...but we were SLAMMED so I continued to whisper to my tables the rest of the day. I waited on 96 people today...hahaha
tomorrow...I will not be helping lead worship at church because even if I can speak...there is NO way I'll be able to sing...
*shrug* it happens!
I suppose I'll be talking via flash cards for the remainder of the day to give myself some vocal rest.
To end on a high note,
She and lil' brudder are making potato soup in the kitchen as I type this!
We are seeing "Annie" tomorrow at the CaC
I've had a few problems speaking off and on the past 2 days, but today I woke up (or shall I say...laid in bed all night not sleeping) with a bit more of a chesty cough, a sore throat, and a deep grizzled war veteran sounding speaking voice.
I took my 2 tlbs of Robitussin and went on my way to work.
About 30 minutes after wonderful medicine started to kick in. Those of you who actually know me, know that I don't drink and I RARELY take this stuff makes me FLOAT!
We got busy at 9....and didn't get off of a waiting list until 3...with 7 servers on the floor...only!
So here I am, high as a kite basically, the speaking voice getting gradually worse from having to yell back to the grill cooks, and speak loudly to our elderly costumers...
So now...I can barely make intelligible sounds come out of my mouth.
I started asking to be taken off the floor at noon...but we were SLAMMED so I continued to whisper to my tables the rest of the day. I waited on 96 people today...hahaha
tomorrow...I will not be helping lead worship at church because even if I can speak...there is NO way I'll be able to sing...
*shrug* it happens!
I suppose I'll be talking via flash cards for the remainder of the day to give myself some vocal rest.
To end on a high note,
She and lil' brudder are making potato soup in the kitchen as I type this!
We are seeing "Annie" tomorrow at the CaC
Wednesday, October 10, 2007
Madama Butterfly
SO! this amazingness!!!
The oboe professor here plays with the Pittsburgh Symphony Orchestra...who does the music for the operas. She gave my voice teacher 2 passes for the final dress rehearsal to Puccini's Madame Butterfly for Thursday at 7. My voice teacher commutes from Maryland, so he can't go...he sent an email out saying that they were up for grabs if we could convince him that we would actually go. SO long story short, my friend Amanda and I scored 2 free tickets to see Madame Butterfly!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
This is only the second opera I've seen live!
My first opera experience was absolutely AMAZING!
When we were in Vienna with choir in December 2004, we saw Verdi's La Traviata in the Wiener Staatsoper with Stefania Bonfadelli as Violetta and Miroslav Dvorsky as Alfredo! (I don't know who they are haha) BUT it was amazing!!!!!!!!!!
Amanda have been having "Sam and Amanda time" on Thursdays and typically we watch it's really fun that we get to go see one FOR FREE!!!!!!!! TOMORROW!
I'm so excited, I think my head just might fall off!!!
and on the other hand, I feel so horrible, that I think I might just cut off my head! Amanda will be driving as I will be doped up on Robitussin. *ick* this amazingness!!!
The oboe professor here plays with the Pittsburgh Symphony Orchestra...who does the music for the operas. She gave my voice teacher 2 passes for the final dress rehearsal to Puccini's Madame Butterfly for Thursday at 7. My voice teacher commutes from Maryland, so he can't go...he sent an email out saying that they were up for grabs if we could convince him that we would actually go. SO long story short, my friend Amanda and I scored 2 free tickets to see Madame Butterfly!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
This is only the second opera I've seen live!
My first opera experience was absolutely AMAZING!
When we were in Vienna with choir in December 2004, we saw Verdi's La Traviata in the Wiener Staatsoper with Stefania Bonfadelli as Violetta and Miroslav Dvorsky as Alfredo! (I don't know who they are haha) BUT it was amazing!!!!!!!!!!
Amanda have been having "Sam and Amanda time" on Thursdays and typically we watch it's really fun that we get to go see one FOR FREE!!!!!!!! TOMORROW!
I'm so excited, I think my head just might fall off!!!
and on the other hand, I feel so horrible, that I think I might just cut off my head! Amanda will be driving as I will be doped up on Robitussin. *ick*
Sunday, October 7, 2007
From the DA
Saturday, October 6, 2007
Friday, October 5, 2007
Mountaineer Idol tonight!
Tonight is the Rock round of Mountaineer Idol!
There are 9 of us, and they are eliminating 2.
I'm not gonna lie, I'm pretty excited!
I'm singing "Heartbreaker" by Pat Benetar and I can't wait!
THEN afterwards....KARAOKE AT THE VFW!!!!!!!!
I miss B. :(
There are 9 of us, and they are eliminating 2.
I'm not gonna lie, I'm pretty excited!
I'm singing "Heartbreaker" by Pat Benetar and I can't wait!
THEN afterwards....KARAOKE AT THE VFW!!!!!!!!
I miss B. :(
Tuesday, October 2, 2007
The boyfriend is here for a few days!!! (Well, he leaves tomorrow morning, so he's been here for a few days)
and according to Smitty, 'it's the happiest he's seen me in months' !!!!! I definitely agree with his statement. I never really thought about it until he said it, but it's completely true. Being hundreds of miles away from the one you love is the hardest thing EVER! It's a pain I've never really felt, at least not like I do when he's gone. I realize that some people are in situations where their significant other is farther away...perhaps over seas, and they don't even get to talk everyday, so I know that I really have it made in terms of distance. But in my mind, any distance is too far away from him.
He got here Saturday afternoon and the past couple days have been nothing short of wonderful! (I love fall break!!!! Too bad WVU hasn't picked up on that one.)
We haven't done anything huge or super out of the ordinary or anything like that...but we've done things a couple does! Like...a couple that lives in the same place!
The movies...
church stuff...
watching TV...
All the normal couple stuff...
and it's been the best few days I've had in a long time!
I can't wait to live in the same place next year!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
*time to do homework so I can hang out with the boyfriend for the last few hours he's here with me in person until Thanksgiving break...* (yea...beware for some sad words within the next two months) :\
not now!!!
and according to Smitty, 'it's the happiest he's seen me in months' !!!!! I definitely agree with his statement. I never really thought about it until he said it, but it's completely true. Being hundreds of miles away from the one you love is the hardest thing EVER! It's a pain I've never really felt, at least not like I do when he's gone. I realize that some people are in situations where their significant other is farther away...perhaps over seas, and they don't even get to talk everyday, so I know that I really have it made in terms of distance. But in my mind, any distance is too far away from him.
He got here Saturday afternoon and the past couple days have been nothing short of wonderful! (I love fall break!!!! Too bad WVU hasn't picked up on that one.)
We haven't done anything huge or super out of the ordinary or anything like that...but we've done things a couple does! Like...a couple that lives in the same place!
The movies...
church stuff...
watching TV...
All the normal couple stuff...
and it's been the best few days I've had in a long time!
I can't wait to live in the same place next year!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
*time to do homework so I can hang out with the boyfriend for the last few hours he's here with me in person until Thanksgiving break...* (yea...beware for some sad words within the next two months) :\
not now!!!
Thursday, September 27, 2007
Nose putty
Today, I made my nose have a huge hump on it! Yea...that's what I did in a class!
p.s. I miss B.
Today, I made my nose have a huge hump on it! Yea...that's what I did in a class!
p.s. I miss B.
Tuesday, September 25, 2007
Today was my appointment at the Ear Nose and Throat Clinic to find out why my throat/voice has been ridiculous lately. They did the scope *light* up my nose and down my throat to look at my larynx.
The answer:
My acid reflux (that I was diagnosed with at age 17) has gotten worse and it's been damaging the arytenoid muscles in my larynx. (Those muscles are connected to the bottom of the vocal folds...I think ha!) ANYWAY...when the acid comes hits those first.
SO my vocal folds are fine! (PRAISE THE LORD)
I've been taking Nexium for my reflux since I was first diagnosed, but they never said anything about watching what I ate because it was low to moderate severity.
Now that it is moderate severity, here is a list of things I have to avoid at all costs:
- citrus foods (oranges, pineapples, lemons, limes, all juices made from them)
- alcohol
- tomato-based foods :*(
- all carbonated beverages
- all caffeine!!!!!
- peppers and spicy foods
- peppermint
- chocolate!!!
- garlic and onions
- fatty foods
- smoking *since that's such a huge part of my life anyway*
I'm not allowed to eat 3 hours before bed...I need to put cinder blocks under the head of my bed to elevate it...and I need to limit aspirin and ibuprofen.
I need to take it easy on the singing for a bit (I'm assuming until I get this diet regimented and such) and I have to take speech therapy for a class or two to get some exercises to keep my speech up at my optimal pitch instead of way lower than I should be talking (which is where I talk all the time)
I'm glad it's over with!
The diet part is going to suck a little, but it's way better than having to deal with something like nodules or polyps on my folds!
I'll take the absence of the aforementioned list over those ANY DAY!
guess what time it is now!
The answer:
My acid reflux (that I was diagnosed with at age 17) has gotten worse and it's been damaging the arytenoid muscles in my larynx. (Those muscles are connected to the bottom of the vocal folds...I think ha!) ANYWAY...when the acid comes hits those first.
SO my vocal folds are fine! (PRAISE THE LORD)
I've been taking Nexium for my reflux since I was first diagnosed, but they never said anything about watching what I ate because it was low to moderate severity.
Now that it is moderate severity, here is a list of things I have to avoid at all costs:
- citrus foods (oranges, pineapples, lemons, limes, all juices made from them)
- alcohol
- tomato-based foods :*(
- all carbonated beverages
- all caffeine!!!!!
- peppers and spicy foods
- peppermint
- chocolate!!!
- garlic and onions
- fatty foods
- smoking *since that's such a huge part of my life anyway*
I'm not allowed to eat 3 hours before bed...I need to put cinder blocks under the head of my bed to elevate it...and I need to limit aspirin and ibuprofen.
I need to take it easy on the singing for a bit (I'm assuming until I get this diet regimented and such) and I have to take speech therapy for a class or two to get some exercises to keep my speech up at my optimal pitch instead of way lower than I should be talking (which is where I talk all the time)
I'm glad it's over with!
The diet part is going to suck a little, but it's way better than having to deal with something like nodules or polyps on my folds!
I'll take the absence of the aforementioned list over those ANY DAY!
guess what time it is now!
Sunday, September 23, 2007
Friday, September 21, 2007
Mountaineer Idol update
Next time is Rock week and I'll be doing "Heartbreaker" by Pat Benetar!
I'm excited!
Louise came in as a surprise!!!!!!!!!!!!
I've missed my best friend so much!!
Side note:
I miss Bryan like CRAZY and this week has been way too I haven't even been able to talk to him much :(
NOT fun.
Next time is Rock week and I'll be doing "Heartbreaker" by Pat Benetar!
I'm excited!
Louise came in as a surprise!!!!!!!!!!!!
I've missed my best friend so much!!
Side note:
I miss Bryan like CRAZY and this week has been way too I haven't even been able to talk to him much :(
NOT fun.
Thursday, September 20, 2007
I have an appointment at the ENT Clinic on Tuesday at 1:45 to get my throat scoped so I can find out what the heck is up in there!
Tuesday, September 18, 2007
Sometimes I'm over dramatic
Like when I write a blog because I'm bummed that an old friend blew me off (who turned out to have a legitimate reason anyway)
like those times! What a silly girl am I! I'm not sure how the boyfwiend puts up with me! I can be a pain in the butt! :D
this time I don't think I'm being over dramatic...
I really think something might not be so right with my vocal folds.
I get super SUPER *as in almost on the hoarse side* tired after about 20 minutes of singing...It's been like that for about a month now, but I just assumed it was because I was out of shape. Well, by this time, I should be back in shape...and it shouldn't exhaust me to talk!
I need to make an appointment at the ENT clinic here to see about getting my throat scoped.
It's pretty routine, so it's not a big deal or anything...and if it's clear, I'll know it's a tension problem and not anything that's physically wrong with my THAT'S good.
It still makes me nervous a little bit.
Prayers would be much appreciated!
post script
I miss Bryan a WHOLE lot...
it makes me do this:
and this
like those times! What a silly girl am I! I'm not sure how the boyfwiend puts up with me! I can be a pain in the butt! :D
this time I don't think I'm being over dramatic...
I really think something might not be so right with my vocal folds.
I get super SUPER *as in almost on the hoarse side* tired after about 20 minutes of singing...It's been like that for about a month now, but I just assumed it was because I was out of shape. Well, by this time, I should be back in shape...and it shouldn't exhaust me to talk!
I need to make an appointment at the ENT clinic here to see about getting my throat scoped.
It's pretty routine, so it's not a big deal or anything...and if it's clear, I'll know it's a tension problem and not anything that's physically wrong with my THAT'S good.
It still makes me nervous a little bit.
Prayers would be much appreciated!
post script
I miss Bryan a WHOLE lot...
it makes me do this:
and this
Sunday, September 16, 2007
Friday, September 14, 2007
Phone date tonight!!!
*dances and skips around*
la la la la la la
...I just wish it could be a real date...
la la la la la la
...I just wish it could be a real date...
Wednesday, September 12, 2007
To all of you slaving away with academia
Any time I complain about my workload...just remind me that in my Theatre Makeup class yesterday...we watched the making of Michael Jackson's "Thriller" video! (After reminding me that the Bible tells us not to complain and to be content.)
Monday, September 10, 2007
small review
"Idol veteran voice major Samantha Bartlow was clearly one of the more comfortable on stage. Starting somberly sitting on a stool, she had total control over her voice as she sang “Hurt” by Christina Aguilera. Then, as the song climaxed, she made her way to the front of the stage, thrusting into the microphone all the emotion she had saved inside from the beginning of the song."
That was in the DA today!
That was in the DA today!
Saturday, September 8, 2007
Idol results and speeding tickets
This weekend has been particularly interesting and both amazing and horrible ways.
First, for Beth, I got through the first round of Mountaineer Idol! (woot woot!) It was so much fun! There were 15 of us...and 2 people sang while they were counting votes or was REALLY LONG! The talent this year is phenomenal!!! *Of course, it was singer's choice, so everyone picked something they could WAIL on!!!*
It was a lot of fun!
I got to sit on a stool like a big diva complete with my black pencil skirt, black shirt, red belt, red necklace, and red shoes...dark eye makeup and ruby red lipstick (Christina would be proud) haha
It was a lot of fun though!! YaY!
80s week is Friday, September 21 at 8:30 in the Ballrooms
Next came my travels to Charleston...
Needless to say from the title of this post...I got a speeding ticket.
A one hundred and seventy five dollar speeding ticket for doing 80 in a 70.
Folks...the speed limit is NOT a suggestion.
'obey the laws of your land' does not mean 'except the speed limit'
I should have listened to my wise and loving boyfriend WAY sooner...who has been telling me since we met to stop speeding.
I will be listening to him from this day forward.
Let me tell you...
it was NOT fun.
I cried for 45 minutes after that...called my mom sobbing...of course she said it was ok...
but here's the thing...
my last post was all cocky about listening to my convictions...
this one is about ignoring them...and getting a speeding ticket for it.
Ever since Bryan has been telling me to stop speeding (backing it with 'obey the laws of your land') I've been convicted to stop...but I seem to always be in a I ignore it!
Well, God certainly got my attention today!
(and as a funny side story...I was driving down to see my best friend Bethany in Charleston *to be there for her wedding dress search*...the only other speeding ticket I've ever had...was ALSO while driving down to see the aforementioned best friend Bethany in Charleston)
I called her to tell her what happened...
about 20 minutes later *of sobbing, mind you* her dad called and told me he wanted to pay for my dress!!! Of course, the ever so prideful me tried to fight him on it, but I've learned not to get into arguments about giving money with a Pentecostal he won.
All this to say...God is AMAZING!
Not only did he teach me a HUGE lesson about listening to Him...and I got smacked in the face because I didn't listen sooner...He still provided for me financially!!!! AMAZING!! Today just taught me a lot about the character of God!
On to the dress search!
So I drove down to do the dress fun...
I walked in, saw her in THE DRESS and just about cried (which, I've noticed, was a pattern of the day)
she tried on a few others, but none of them were as amazing as the first one!
It was so exciting!
I can't wait for the wedding!!!!!!
...and they are honeymooning in Paris.
Thou shalt not covet thy best friend's honeymoon destination...I'm sure that's in the Bible somewhere.
Someone needs to be taught a lesson about that
*points to self*
GOD IS SO GOOD!!!!!!!!
Bryan = the most amazing man I've ever met in my LIFE bar none!
First, for Beth, I got through the first round of Mountaineer Idol! (woot woot!) It was so much fun! There were 15 of us...and 2 people sang while they were counting votes or was REALLY LONG! The talent this year is phenomenal!!! *Of course, it was singer's choice, so everyone picked something they could WAIL on!!!*
It was a lot of fun!
I got to sit on a stool like a big diva complete with my black pencil skirt, black shirt, red belt, red necklace, and red shoes...dark eye makeup and ruby red lipstick (Christina would be proud) haha
It was a lot of fun though!! YaY!
80s week is Friday, September 21 at 8:30 in the Ballrooms
Next came my travels to Charleston...
Needless to say from the title of this post...I got a speeding ticket.
A one hundred and seventy five dollar speeding ticket for doing 80 in a 70.
Folks...the speed limit is NOT a suggestion.
'obey the laws of your land' does not mean 'except the speed limit'
I should have listened to my wise and loving boyfriend WAY sooner...who has been telling me since we met to stop speeding.
I will be listening to him from this day forward.
Let me tell you...
it was NOT fun.
I cried for 45 minutes after that...called my mom sobbing...of course she said it was ok...
but here's the thing...
my last post was all cocky about listening to my convictions...
this one is about ignoring them...and getting a speeding ticket for it.
Ever since Bryan has been telling me to stop speeding (backing it with 'obey the laws of your land') I've been convicted to stop...but I seem to always be in a I ignore it!
Well, God certainly got my attention today!
(and as a funny side story...I was driving down to see my best friend Bethany in Charleston *to be there for her wedding dress search*...the only other speeding ticket I've ever had...was ALSO while driving down to see the aforementioned best friend Bethany in Charleston)
I called her to tell her what happened...
about 20 minutes later *of sobbing, mind you* her dad called and told me he wanted to pay for my dress!!! Of course, the ever so prideful me tried to fight him on it, but I've learned not to get into arguments about giving money with a Pentecostal he won.
All this to say...God is AMAZING!
Not only did he teach me a HUGE lesson about listening to Him...and I got smacked in the face because I didn't listen sooner...He still provided for me financially!!!! AMAZING!! Today just taught me a lot about the character of God!
On to the dress search!
So I drove down to do the dress fun...
I walked in, saw her in THE DRESS and just about cried (which, I've noticed, was a pattern of the day)
she tried on a few others, but none of them were as amazing as the first one!
It was so exciting!
I can't wait for the wedding!!!!!!
...and they are honeymooning in Paris.
Thou shalt not covet thy best friend's honeymoon destination...I'm sure that's in the Bible somewhere.
Someone needs to be taught a lesson about that
*points to self*
GOD IS SO GOOD!!!!!!!!
Bryan = the most amazing man I've ever met in my LIFE bar none!
Thursday, September 6, 2007
Mountaineer Idol=convictions?
So, for the 3rd year, i am a Mountaineer Idol finalist!
I'm super excited!
I always get excited about this competition because
1. If you get money
2. It's a great break from the classical singing world I live in
3. I LOVE LOVE LOVE performing
4. The people are amazing to work with
This year I think they said almost 70 people auditioned, and they narrowed it down to a final 15.
The first round of the competition is Singer's Choice
I chose to sing "Hurt" by Christina Aguileria
well thanks for asking!
Because it's a beautiful song! It's probably not a 'crowd pleaser' and definitely not a 'show stopper' but I love it and I'm going to sing it anyway!
They will eliminate 3 people tonight, and then remaining 12 will go on to compete in 80s week!
They asked for all of our song choices (in case we make it all the way through) so here's what I picked:
80s - "How will I Know" Whitney Houston
Rock - "Heartbreaker" Pat Benetar
Country - "Fancy" Reba McIntyre (maybe)
Solid Gold Oldies - "Rescue Me" Aretha Franklin
Movie Themes - the theme from "Phantom of the Opera"
Finals - I'm not sure what the categories are...but if it's the same as last will be
something you've already performed - Phantom
something new - a gospel/praise and worship song that has yet to be determined
something that the hosts pick out for you - *shrug*
All this information to say:
I am very cautious of my song choices this year...not that I ever wasn't before, but more so now that God has been building my convictions about certain things. For example, I really like the song "Sin Wagon" by the Dixie Chicks. It's a blast to roommate was going to choreograph a line dance for the instrumental's almost a guaranteed winner. However, the more and more I sang it, and really thought about the words (something I, as a singer, seldom do with popular music, sadly) I realized that I can't get up in front of hundreds of people and sing a song about a women who deliberately sins. I can't sing the line "Praise the Lord and pass the ammunition". The me in the competition last year wouldn't have thought twice about it...but each time this year I even half way considered it...the uneasiness about performing it grew and I realized that no amount of money is worth singing a song (which would essentially look like I agree with the message...and also means that I JUST realized while writing this that singing a song about a woman who's mother turned her into a prostitute so she could make money is probably not the best idea either...) with a message that goes completely AGAINST God! I'm actually really excited that I see that! YaY!
It's amazing to be able to see how much I've grown within the past year. A lot of times, I can't see that...but it's really encouraging to be able to catch a slight glimpse of it today!
...I also need a new suggestion for a country song (God willing I get that far in the competition)
I'm super excited!
I always get excited about this competition because
1. If you get money
2. It's a great break from the classical singing world I live in
3. I LOVE LOVE LOVE performing
4. The people are amazing to work with
This year I think they said almost 70 people auditioned, and they narrowed it down to a final 15.
The first round of the competition is Singer's Choice
I chose to sing "Hurt" by Christina Aguileria
well thanks for asking!
Because it's a beautiful song! It's probably not a 'crowd pleaser' and definitely not a 'show stopper' but I love it and I'm going to sing it anyway!
They will eliminate 3 people tonight, and then remaining 12 will go on to compete in 80s week!
They asked for all of our song choices (in case we make it all the way through) so here's what I picked:
80s - "How will I Know" Whitney Houston
Rock - "Heartbreaker" Pat Benetar
Country - "Fancy" Reba McIntyre (maybe)
Solid Gold Oldies - "Rescue Me" Aretha Franklin
Movie Themes - the theme from "Phantom of the Opera"
Finals - I'm not sure what the categories are...but if it's the same as last will be
something you've already performed - Phantom
something new - a gospel/praise and worship song that has yet to be determined
something that the hosts pick out for you - *shrug*
All this information to say:
I am very cautious of my song choices this year...not that I ever wasn't before, but more so now that God has been building my convictions about certain things. For example, I really like the song "Sin Wagon" by the Dixie Chicks. It's a blast to roommate was going to choreograph a line dance for the instrumental's almost a guaranteed winner. However, the more and more I sang it, and really thought about the words (something I, as a singer, seldom do with popular music, sadly) I realized that I can't get up in front of hundreds of people and sing a song about a women who deliberately sins. I can't sing the line "Praise the Lord and pass the ammunition". The me in the competition last year wouldn't have thought twice about it...but each time this year I even half way considered it...the uneasiness about performing it grew and I realized that no amount of money is worth singing a song (which would essentially look like I agree with the message...and also means that I JUST realized while writing this that singing a song about a woman who's mother turned her into a prostitute so she could make money is probably not the best idea either...) with a message that goes completely AGAINST God! I'm actually really excited that I see that! YaY!
It's amazing to be able to see how much I've grown within the past year. A lot of times, I can't see that...but it's really encouraging to be able to catch a slight glimpse of it today!
...I also need a new suggestion for a country song (God willing I get that far in the competition)
Wednesday, September 5, 2007
Does anyone remember the song from Cabaret "Money makes the world go 'round"?
I hate that it's true today.
Today, I had the fun task of moving money from my savings (Praise GOD for that!) into my checking to pay bills...
I'm managing fine. It's not a problem for me to eat pasta everyday until I can work again (NEXT Saturday) but I hate having to call the parental units and let them know that I might need a little help to get me from today to next Saturday.
Correct me if I'm wrong, but I don't think it's a pride issue to not want your parents financial help. I mean...I'm pretty much a spoiled college brat as far as comparisons go...I have a job, and I pay my own utilities and food...but that's it. No gas, no insurance, no I HATE calling them and asking for MORE money because they already do sooooooo much for me financially!
I sucked it up and left my mom a message today.
She never gets fact, she's always like "you don't ever call and ask for money, sweetheart, it's OK!"
It just never feels OK.
I was talking with the loving boyfriend last night about how I can't wait to have a real job and budget money because I actually KNOW what I'll be paying for...
HOWEVER, I am in NO hurry to start working a lot, and to pay for everything on my own...
I just know that I live in a pseudo real world right now, with absolutely NO idea about how much things ACTUALLY cost!
In closing, I have wonderful parents, and I'm very thankful that I have the ability to call them when I'm in a financial bind (which isn't even REALLY a bind...) when I think about it...I have everything I could possibly need...and 2398472934829437 times more...and I have enough food, clothing, shelter, love in my life to survive.
...why do I even worry about it!?
that's a GREAT question!
anyone got an answer!?
I hate that it's true today.
Today, I had the fun task of moving money from my savings (Praise GOD for that!) into my checking to pay bills...
I'm managing fine. It's not a problem for me to eat pasta everyday until I can work again (NEXT Saturday) but I hate having to call the parental units and let them know that I might need a little help to get me from today to next Saturday.
Correct me if I'm wrong, but I don't think it's a pride issue to not want your parents financial help. I mean...I'm pretty much a spoiled college brat as far as comparisons go...I have a job, and I pay my own utilities and food...but that's it. No gas, no insurance, no I HATE calling them and asking for MORE money because they already do sooooooo much for me financially!
I sucked it up and left my mom a message today.
She never gets fact, she's always like "you don't ever call and ask for money, sweetheart, it's OK!"
It just never feels OK.
I was talking with the loving boyfriend last night about how I can't wait to have a real job and budget money because I actually KNOW what I'll be paying for...
HOWEVER, I am in NO hurry to start working a lot, and to pay for everything on my own...
I just know that I live in a pseudo real world right now, with absolutely NO idea about how much things ACTUALLY cost!
In closing, I have wonderful parents, and I'm very thankful that I have the ability to call them when I'm in a financial bind (which isn't even REALLY a bind...) when I think about it...I have everything I could possibly need...and 2398472934829437 times more...and I have enough food, clothing, shelter, love in my life to survive.
...why do I even worry about it!?
that's a GREAT question!
anyone got an answer!?
Tuesday, September 4, 2007
Just an ordinary day
Today is the first day of the semester that I actually feel like a voice/theatre student. Meaning, today is the first day that I've been as busy as past semesters. (I mean, I'm pretty busy everyday regardless, but today is the first day I actually FEEL busy...?)
I can't really complain though...most of my classes are phenomenal!!
For example:
Theatre Makeup!!!! It's a blast! The other day...I learned how to make my nose look broken! I mean really! Who can complain about that!? And TODAY...I got to buy fake eyelashes for Thursday when we will be doing makeup of the 1970s!!
It's time to stop procrastinating and get started on some Shakespeare scansion before Bible study tonight!!!!!!!! Did I mention that I LOVE my women's Bible study!?
I promise that all of my posts won't go into the random boring details of my day...and I might actually post something thought provoking once in awhile, but today is not that day!
I can't really complain though...most of my classes are phenomenal!!
For example:
Theatre Makeup!!!! It's a blast! The other day...I learned how to make my nose look broken! I mean really! Who can complain about that!? And TODAY...I got to buy fake eyelashes for Thursday when we will be doing makeup of the 1970s!!
It's time to stop procrastinating and get started on some Shakespeare scansion before Bible study tonight!!!!!!!! Did I mention that I LOVE my women's Bible study!?
I promise that all of my posts won't go into the random boring details of my day...and I might actually post something thought provoking once in awhile, but today is not that day!
Monday, September 3, 2007
A whole new blog site!!!
Welcome to the first post of my new blog!
My hope is that I'll actually write in this one...only time will tell if that actually happens or not.
It's always weird to switch these things because it makes me go look at the old one...I've had a xanga for 3 years...and before that, I had a livejournal for 4 years...
Not that I was faithful in my writings for either, but there is still a lot of Samantha history recorded in them. A large part of me (meaning all of me) wishes it was in a notebook or something tangible that I can hold in my hands because the thought of losing all those memories is kind of sad.
Maybe I'll make it a semester long project to copy and paste everything into Word?
Any easier suggestions?
My hope is that I'll actually write in this one...only time will tell if that actually happens or not.
It's always weird to switch these things because it makes me go look at the old one...I've had a xanga for 3 years...and before that, I had a livejournal for 4 years...
Not that I was faithful in my writings for either, but there is still a lot of Samantha history recorded in them. A large part of me (meaning all of me) wishes it was in a notebook or something tangible that I can hold in my hands because the thought of losing all those memories is kind of sad.
Maybe I'll make it a semester long project to copy and paste everything into Word?
Any easier suggestions?
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