I've been battling a bit of a cold for about a week now. It has never developed into anything more than a semi-sore throat and a small cough...until today.
I've had a few problems speaking off and on the past 2 days, but today I woke up (or shall I say...laid in bed all night not sleeping) with a bit more of a chesty cough, a sore throat, and a deep grizzled war veteran sounding speaking voice.
I took my 2 tlbs of Robitussin and went on my way to work.
About 30 minutes after arriving...my wonderful medicine started to kick in. Those of you who actually know me, know that I don't drink and I RARELY take medicine...so this stuff makes me FLOAT!
We got busy at 9....and didn't get off of a waiting list until 3...with 7 servers on the floor...only!
So here I am, high as a kite basically, the speaking voice getting gradually worse from having to yell back to the grill cooks, and speak loudly to our elderly costumers...
So now...I can barely make intelligible sounds come out of my mouth.
I started asking to be taken off the floor at noon...but we were SLAMMED so I continued to whisper to my tables the rest of the day. I waited on 96 people today...hahaha
tomorrow...I will not be helping lead worship at church because even if I can speak...there is NO way I'll be able to sing...
*shrug* it happens!
I suppose I'll be talking via flash cards for the remainder of the day to give myself some vocal rest.
To end on a high note,
She and lil' brudder are making potato soup in the kitchen as I type this!
We are seeing "Annie" tomorrow at the CaC
2 years ago
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