The boyfriend is here for a few days!!! (Well, he leaves tomorrow morning, so he's been here for a few days)
and according to Smitty, 'it's the happiest he's seen me in months' !!!!! I definitely agree with his statement. I never really thought about it until he said it, but it's completely true. Being hundreds of miles away from the one you love is the hardest thing EVER! It's a pain I've never really felt, at least not like I do when he's gone. I realize that some people are in situations where their significant other is farther away...perhaps over seas, and they don't even get to talk everyday, so I know that I really have it made in terms of distance. But in my mind, any distance is too far away from him.
He got here Saturday afternoon and the past couple days have been nothing short of wonderful! (I love fall break!!!! Too bad WVU hasn't picked up on that one.)
We haven't done anything huge or super out of the ordinary or anything like that...but we've done things a couple does! Like...a couple that lives in the same place!
The movies...
church stuff...
watching TV...
All the normal couple stuff...
and it's been the best few days I've had in a long time!
I can't wait to live in the same place next year!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
*time to do homework so I can hang out with the boyfriend for the last few hours he's here with me in person until Thanksgiving break...* (yea...beware for some sad words within the next two months) :\
not now!!!
2 years ago
YOU are ridiculously cute. i'm glad you're having fun with Bryan!
i can't wait until you come to Louisville! you're graduating in December but not coming down until Fall '08... right?
AND i'll work in your school. so you can come hang out in my office and i can get you free coffee from the super-secret amazing coffee machine in the faculty lounge.
i can hardly wait ;)
man...if you get this excited when Bryan is there, I wonder what you'd do if Jackson and I showed up!
I mean come on, you may love him, but I'm blood!
This made me smile, which I needed since I'm back home. I agree with beth (and I quote): "I can't wait until you come to Louisville!"
Also, in terms of what Katy said... I'll allow it. Only because who couldn't be that excited about baby Jackson??
gee thanks Bryan.
love you too.
What am I??
Chopped liver?
Nah, not chopped. Liver that's arrayed in the most splendorous garnish and fixin's that served with fine wine.
Beth - :D I'm excited! We get to be friends in person!!! HURRAY!
Katy - I'd probably pee a little!
Bryan - yay! I love you!
You are too hilarious!
The problem lies in that I don't like liver at all. That being said, if I don't like liver and I AM liver, then I don't like myself. That is a problem! Besides, I don't like wine either.
P.S. Sam...maybe your should start wearing depends to your performances.
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