Today was my appointment at the Ear Nose and Throat Clinic to find out why my throat/voice has been ridiculous lately. They did the scope *light* up my nose and down my throat to look at my larynx.
The answer:
My acid reflux (that I was diagnosed with at age 17) has gotten worse and it's been damaging the arytenoid muscles in my larynx. (Those muscles are connected to the bottom of the vocal folds...I think ha!) ANYWAY...when the acid comes hits those first.
SO my vocal folds are fine! (PRAISE THE LORD)
I've been taking Nexium for my reflux since I was first diagnosed, but they never said anything about watching what I ate because it was low to moderate severity.
Now that it is moderate severity, here is a list of things I have to avoid at all costs:
- citrus foods (oranges, pineapples, lemons, limes, all juices made from them)
- alcohol
- tomato-based foods :*(
- all carbonated beverages
- all caffeine!!!!!
- peppers and spicy foods
- peppermint
- chocolate!!!
- garlic and onions
- fatty foods
- smoking *since that's such a huge part of my life anyway*
I'm not allowed to eat 3 hours before bed...I need to put cinder blocks under the head of my bed to elevate it...and I need to limit aspirin and ibuprofen.
I need to take it easy on the singing for a bit (I'm assuming until I get this diet regimented and such) and I have to take speech therapy for a class or two to get some exercises to keep my speech up at my optimal pitch instead of way lower than I should be talking (which is where I talk all the time)
I'm glad it's over with!
The diet part is going to suck a little, but it's way better than having to deal with something like nodules or polyps on my folds!
I'll take the absence of the aforementioned list over those ANY DAY!
guess what time it is now!
2 years ago
Is this an all-the-time thing? Or an until-you-get-better thing?
Really. It's about time you lay off the alcohol and cigarettes, anyway.
But the tomato-based products, carbonated beverages, caffiene, and chocolate? I'm really not sure what I would eat/drink.
God bless you!
well, I guess Bryan has to get your jewlery instead of chocolates for Valentine's Day.
I'm pretty sure this is an until-I-get-better thing because the Nexium that I'm on heals the damage as well as prevents it! (IF I'm eating right) SO I'm assuming that if I stick to my diet/stay on my meds for awhile (at least while I'm singing SO much) then I'll be able to eat that stuff again
...some day
and yes, Katy, that is a lovely idea!
I know....I'm learn things like that when you're married!!
P.S. I think you're going to have to comment again on the post...I was messing around with things and I think I deleted it! oops.
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