This weekend has been particularly interesting and both amazing and horrible ways.
First, for Beth, I got through the first round of Mountaineer Idol! (woot woot!) It was so much fun! There were 15 of us...and 2 people sang while they were counting votes or was REALLY LONG! The talent this year is phenomenal!!! *Of course, it was singer's choice, so everyone picked something they could WAIL on!!!*
It was a lot of fun!
I got to sit on a stool like a big diva complete with my black pencil skirt, black shirt, red belt, red necklace, and red shoes...dark eye makeup and ruby red lipstick (Christina would be proud) haha
It was a lot of fun though!! YaY!
80s week is Friday, September 21 at 8:30 in the Ballrooms
Next came my travels to Charleston...
Needless to say from the title of this post...I got a speeding ticket.
A one hundred and seventy five dollar speeding ticket for doing 80 in a 70.
Folks...the speed limit is NOT a suggestion.
'obey the laws of your land' does not mean 'except the speed limit'
I should have listened to my wise and loving boyfriend WAY sooner...who has been telling me since we met to stop speeding.
I will be listening to him from this day forward.
Let me tell you...
it was NOT fun.
I cried for 45 minutes after that...called my mom sobbing...of course she said it was ok...
but here's the thing...
my last post was all cocky about listening to my convictions...
this one is about ignoring them...and getting a speeding ticket for it.
Ever since Bryan has been telling me to stop speeding (backing it with 'obey the laws of your land') I've been convicted to stop...but I seem to always be in a I ignore it!
Well, God certainly got my attention today!
(and as a funny side story...I was driving down to see my best friend Bethany in Charleston *to be there for her wedding dress search*...the only other speeding ticket I've ever had...was ALSO while driving down to see the aforementioned best friend Bethany in Charleston)
I called her to tell her what happened...
about 20 minutes later *of sobbing, mind you* her dad called and told me he wanted to pay for my dress!!! Of course, the ever so prideful me tried to fight him on it, but I've learned not to get into arguments about giving money with a Pentecostal he won.
All this to say...God is AMAZING!
Not only did he teach me a HUGE lesson about listening to Him...and I got smacked in the face because I didn't listen sooner...He still provided for me financially!!!! AMAZING!! Today just taught me a lot about the character of God!
On to the dress search!
So I drove down to do the dress fun...
I walked in, saw her in THE DRESS and just about cried (which, I've noticed, was a pattern of the day)
she tried on a few others, but none of them were as amazing as the first one!
It was so exciting!
I can't wait for the wedding!!!!!!
...and they are honeymooning in Paris.
Thou shalt not covet thy best friend's honeymoon destination...I'm sure that's in the Bible somewhere.
Someone needs to be taught a lesson about that
*points to self*
GOD IS SO GOOD!!!!!!!!
Bryan = the most amazing man I've ever met in my LIFE bar none!
2 years ago
As a caveat, we are told to be under governmental authority so long as it does not attempt to regulate against God's authority. I.E. If the government says to murder your parents, while stealing something you covet, all as an act of worship to an idol... don't obey the authority of the government.
A note on the post-script. Sammie is only 22. She's got a lot of life left to make such a bold statement.
Don't down play my post script!
You two crack me up!!!
I <3 you too Sam!!
p.s. glad you can be so excited to be in Bethany's wedding and not even show up to your own FAMILY'S wedding....
*sigh* but I'm not bitter or anything.
I love you more and more every day, Sam Bartlow! :)
I'm sooo glad you made it to the finals. (Um, can I please see pictures of that outfit?!) And I'm glad you were taught a lesson (although I hate those kind of lessons...) and provided for, too. Praises!
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