Does anyone remember the song from Cabaret "Money makes the world go 'round"?
I hate that it's true today.
Today, I had the fun task of moving money from my savings (Praise GOD for that!) into my checking to pay bills...
I'm managing fine. It's not a problem for me to eat pasta everyday until I can work again (NEXT Saturday) but I hate having to call the parental units and let them know that I might need a little help to get me from today to next Saturday.
Correct me if I'm wrong, but I don't think it's a pride issue to not want your parents financial help. I mean...I'm pretty much a spoiled college brat as far as comparisons go...I have a job, and I pay my own utilities and food...but that's it. No gas, no insurance, no I HATE calling them and asking for MORE money because they already do sooooooo much for me financially!
I sucked it up and left my mom a message today.
She never gets fact, she's always like "you don't ever call and ask for money, sweetheart, it's OK!"
It just never feels OK.
I was talking with the loving boyfriend last night about how I can't wait to have a real job and budget money because I actually KNOW what I'll be paying for...
HOWEVER, I am in NO hurry to start working a lot, and to pay for everything on my own...
I just know that I live in a pseudo real world right now, with absolutely NO idea about how much things ACTUALLY cost!
In closing, I have wonderful parents, and I'm very thankful that I have the ability to call them when I'm in a financial bind (which isn't even REALLY a bind...) when I think about it...I have everything I could possibly need...and 2398472934829437 times more...and I have enough food, clothing, shelter, love in my life to survive.
...why do I even worry about it!?
that's a GREAT question!
anyone got an answer!?
2 years ago
1) prideful for not asking for money? Well, yes. It is. Somewhat. The Bible tells us two things: a)a worker is worth his wages (meaning that he should be paid for his work, and thus self sustaining), and b)the church had all things in common, including a pool of money (so if someone couldn't sustain himself, the church would help). Fact of the matter is your mom is supposed to take care of you (moreso as a child, and definitely some while you are in this transition phase, and even a little when you're an adult), and asking for money once in a blue moon is not a bad thing. Not asking for help when you need it IS a bad thing. Both points above are equally true (Wages/Community).
2)Why worry about it? Lack of faith in God to provide. See: Matthew 6, last half of the chapter. Its the same reason we ALL worry when we aren't supposed to. Darn flesh.
3)I love you. :)
I know what you mean, Sam. I know my mom would do ANYTHING for me, and she's sacrificed her whole life so that I could have things. I've been where you are, and hated it as much as you do!
BUT you're right... you don't want to get a job and pay for everything on your own!!! ;)
Wes and I are ready to win the lottery so we can quit our jobs and frolic about for Jesus. But really....
"frolic about for Jesus"
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