Three Years in the Gospel of John
I suggest that everyone read the above article.
Bryan sent it to me because I am the CHIEF of making excuses for not being disciplined to consistently read scripture. I am a busy girl (which is an entirely different can of worms) but I let the business of my schedule get in the way of my time in the Word. In this article, he talks about his 3 year trek through the Gospel of John...instead of his one year, as originally planned. He gives a list of things he did that caused him to take such a long time, and encourages us not to do the same. Ha! It was really refreshing to read that because most of the people in my life are disciplined in this area *coughBryanandLoucough* and it was nice to read suggestions on how to overcome it from someone who has!
2 years ago
eh. I'm not nearly as disciplined as I need to be. I take my breaks too.
Very subtle Stu. I'm better than I used to be by EONS, but not nearly as good as I should be. But praise God for kicking our collective butts to read more!
ok college graduate. What now?? Are you going to Disney World??
You must have gone to Disney....
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