So, for the 3rd year, i am a Mountaineer Idol finalist!
I'm super excited!
I always get excited about this competition because
1. If you get money
2. It's a great break from the classical singing world I live in
3. I LOVE LOVE LOVE performing
4. The people are amazing to work with
This year I think they said almost 70 people auditioned, and they narrowed it down to a final 15.
The first round of the competition is Singer's Choice
I chose to sing "Hurt" by Christina Aguileria
well thanks for asking!
Because it's a beautiful song! It's probably not a 'crowd pleaser' and definitely not a 'show stopper' but I love it and I'm going to sing it anyway!
They will eliminate 3 people tonight, and then remaining 12 will go on to compete in 80s week!
They asked for all of our song choices (in case we make it all the way through) so here's what I picked:
80s - "How will I Know" Whitney Houston
Rock - "Heartbreaker" Pat Benetar
Country - "Fancy" Reba McIntyre (maybe)
Solid Gold Oldies - "Rescue Me" Aretha Franklin
Movie Themes - the theme from "Phantom of the Opera"
Finals - I'm not sure what the categories are...but if it's the same as last will be
something you've already performed - Phantom
something new - a gospel/praise and worship song that has yet to be determined
something that the hosts pick out for you - *shrug*
All this information to say:
I am very cautious of my song choices this year...not that I ever wasn't before, but more so now that God has been building my convictions about certain things. For example, I really like the song "Sin Wagon" by the Dixie Chicks. It's a blast to roommate was going to choreograph a line dance for the instrumental's almost a guaranteed winner. However, the more and more I sang it, and really thought about the words (something I, as a singer, seldom do with popular music, sadly) I realized that I can't get up in front of hundreds of people and sing a song about a women who deliberately sins. I can't sing the line "Praise the Lord and pass the ammunition". The me in the competition last year wouldn't have thought twice about it...but each time this year I even half way considered it...the uneasiness about performing it grew and I realized that no amount of money is worth singing a song (which would essentially look like I agree with the message...and also means that I JUST realized while writing this that singing a song about a woman who's mother turned her into a prostitute so she could make money is probably not the best idea either...) with a message that goes completely AGAINST God! I'm actually really excited that I see that! YaY!
It's amazing to be able to see how much I've grown within the past year. A lot of times, I can't see that...but it's really encouraging to be able to catch a slight glimpse of it today!
...I also need a new suggestion for a country song (God willing I get that far in the competition)
2 years ago
I'm so proud of you. Not only for making the cut but also for how much you've grown spiritually lately and following your convictions.
1. I <3 you.
2. I am so proud of you AND encouraged by you, as I look back at the Sam I met in the CAC hallway 3 or 4 years ago and I see how much you've grown spiritually.
3. You have the most amazing voice I've ever heard, you are going to be wonderful tonight and a real LIGHT.
4. Mark and I are going to try really hard to come here you in your awesomeness tonight. :-)
well, i'm dying in anticipation here. how did it go??
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