I am sorry to say that my posting from here until the end of the summer will probabaly be very sporadic. I am officially living back hom now (minus my bedroom furniture, which I'm bringing down in a Uhall on Sunday) and looking for a job that has nothing to do with the food industry.
My task this week has been to clean out my bedroom (full of living room furniture and mom's sewing stuff) to make room for my stuff. That doesn't sound like such a problem right!? Well...it wouldn't usually be except that sometime about 6 months or so ago, a pipe burst in the basement causing my parents to have to replace the carpet in the downstairs living room. That pretty much means that everything from the living room, ended up in my room that had already been stuffed full of holiday things, etc. (I mean, I don't blame them, I didn't live here!)
So long story short, we cleaned out my brother's room and are in the process of turning it into mom's sewing room...while doing this, we found water damage...which means we had to rip up the carpet, tear down some dry-wall, etc. So our process of cleaning up has been slowed a bit.
*Note: I like pulling up carpet and doing various sorts of demolition things* :D
So at the present moment, skipping a ton of boring details, my room is ready to go and the living room is cleared out enough to bring my stuff through it. :D YAY!
Our house is not gross, it's just cluttered and I'm helping mom go through EVERYTHING to eliminate that problem! (I'm a task master and actually it's been kind of fun to clean...) that is so weird!
As far as the job hunt goes, I applied at the community college down here to be a temp! :D Bethany (the best friend from a few posts before) used to do that, and her mom works in HR there, SO I might have a chance of getting it! :D woohoo. I'd love to work in an office. I think it'd be fun!
"Annie" the musical they are doing this summer with my community theatre is later in the summer than usual, so I can't be in it because I'll be at orientation for the last 2 shows. I'm not really that bummed about it because I HATE that musical. I just wanted something to do here aside from working...BUT I have found a girl that plays on a slow-pitch softball team, so hopefully, I'll be able to do that! YAY! After playing the past 2 summers, I'd rather do that anyway.
There's my update!
I'm sorry it's nothing to write home about.
2 years ago
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