My best friend, Bethany, is getting married in May!!!! Her WV bridal shower and bachelorette party are April 5, which means I've been in major maid of honor overdrive. Everything has finally been planned and mailed and I can get back to working on my gift for her. YAY!
Because of the Bethany centered universe I've been living in the past few days, I figured I would tell you a little about our friendship.
We met in the 6th grade at a sleepover and as she says, "we realized we were the biggest dorks at the party and we had to be friends." Which couldn't be more true as you will notice in the pictures following this post. The only thing from that sleepover I remember is having a "talent contest" (which in 6th grade just means that we sang) and the girls couldn't pick who was better, so we tied (or something like that), and playing a game about having dots? and the two of us kept saying "foe" instead of the number "four." *shrug*
Some of my favorite memories involve antics with Bethany. For instance, she was staying the night at my house and we decided choreographing a modern dance to the Arabian Dance from the Nutcracker would be a great idea. *note: neither of us took dance...unless you count tap and ballet at age 3 and 4, which I doubt you do.* The concept of this dance (if you can call it that) was something about 2 lost souls trying to find one another. So we spent the entire length of the song wandering around my bedroom doing the stereotypical dragging of the foot with each step until at long last, on the penultimate measure of the musical piece, we found each other and embraced in a very modern dance sort of way. ...I'm not making this up...though I wish I were because now you have proof of the caliber of our dorkiness. The best part of this creative collaboration, if you will, was a jump and catch thing that we decided to put in. I was supposed to run and leap into Bethany's arms. Now, those of you who've seen me know that the mere thought of all these lanky limbs hurling through the air could could create panic in even the bravest of souls. Bethany realized this fact as well...only I was already in the air when this struck her. In a desperate attempt to save herself, she quickly yelled, "I can't catch you!!!" and jumped out of the way (sort of) causing the two of us to end up in a heap splitting the floor and the edge of the bed. I think we ended up laying there for at least 10 minutes in side splitting pain from all the laughter.
Another memory has to do with 3 other friends, a Beowulf project, and a sock puppet show with Mario Brothers and Zelda theme music, but that's a story for another day. :)
Bethany has been there through almost every phase of my life. She's the kind of friend you only come across once in your life, if you're lucky. We've had our fair share of troubles, as all close friends have. We even went about a year in middle school without speaking (8th grade girls, you know how that can be.) But throughout it all, God has kept pushing us back together. Bethany and I were the first voice majors from Chapmanville (I'm pretty sure in the history of the town EVER...ok maybe not that, but we'd certainly never heard of any.) She went to the University of Charletson and I headed to WVU. When the program at UC folded, she decided she didn't want a degree from a school whose program didn't exist anymore, so she transfered to Lee University in Tennessee (8 hours away from WVU). *WHICH, by the way, she should have gone to right out of high's the only school she ever talked about, but I'm just sayin'* ;) I think we actually went an entire year without seeing one another, but no matter how much time passed, we picked back up where we left off.
Our group of 5 from high school no longer speaks really. Lane is in Illinois being a model and going to rock shows! Natasha just got married the 23rd of this month, and her son Parker is a little over 7 months old. Tabi is an EMT and Volunteer Fire Fighter and is actually helping me plan the bacholerette party!!! Bethany will graduate soon with her degree in Music Education, her fiancee is a youth Pastor in Virginia, working on his Masters of Divinity in...Christian Ministry? perhaps? I have my BM in Vocal Performance and am about to go to Seminary to get my MM in Church Music and my boyfriend is getting his M.Div. in Christian Ministry. It's interesting to see how God has worked through the various stages of our lives, and kept the two of us close in a lot of things. One thing Bethany and I always dreamed about when we were younger was how we were going to live down the street from one another in our silver days in one of the Carolinas, sit in our rocking chairs on the front porch, and sip on sweet tea while our husbands hung out somewhere else. Honestly, that may never happen, BUT when Jonathan *her fiancee* and Bryan get together, it feels like gatherings just might go a little something like this:
Bryan and Jonathan talk about ::insert some highly intellectual theological discussion here::
while Berf and I run around like 5 year olds, singing random songs from All State, and laughing at the top of our lungs. This will be the situation for the rest of our lives and I can't wait.
She is truly the best friend I have ever had the privilege of knowing.
Enjoy the pictures!
These were taken over Thanksgiving Break after seeing our High School Choir's "Bah Humbug" - a musical version of "A Christmas Carol".

If ONLY you knew us in the 7th grade...

We used to dress up in prom dresses and such and take pictures with a fan blowing our this is recreating that...I also can't believe I'm giving you more proof of how dorky we were/still are! Some things you never outgrow.

Obviously, I'm blinded by her rock.

I don't associate with white chicks who throw gang signs...

This is one of the only normal pictures ever taken of us.