Hello faithful blog world (meaning both of you).
I have decided that it's time this blog gets a face lift, both aesthetically and in regards to subject matter. The only reason I have a blog (or have ever had one) is to make sure people in my life can keep up with what's going on in my little corner of the world. I still aim to keep it that way, but there needs to be a bit more depth sometimes. I'm sure it's not easy for my friends to read "we got our cat a new litter box today" and such other dull boring details every time they visit my page! I am entering a phase of my life where I'm trying to become more honest with myself. I'm not really sure how that will go, or what that will look like here, but we'll see. I've never been one for baring my soul - especially on the internet, so I make no guarantees for this blog, but I'm tired of looking through past posts and only having minute details documented.
I would just like to keep my friends and family informed (honestly) about what's going on in life!
Hopefully, that will begin with a more faithful approach to writing...
We'll see!
2 years ago
transparancy is an admirable, and difficult, goal. our instinct, as a result of "the curse" is to hide the things that embarrass us or make us feel inadequate. the most intimate we ever are, whether with God or man, though, is when we stop hiding. it's a big task, but I think you can handle it.
Yay for posting again! :)
I'm looking forward to the new direction you're taking here! :)
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