Hello blog world, or should I say, all 5 of you who read this!
I have figured out that if I don't write down some summer goals for myself, I'll end up sleeping till 1, going to work at 3, getting home at 11 or so, and doing it all over again. There are a few things I would really like to accomplish this summer!
1. GET MARRIED!!!! woohoo!!!!
2. after finals week, I am starting project Get in Shape for the Wedding. I will be grocery shopping for some healthy foods and starting a daily workout routine! (MutheringHeight, can you email me some of your favorite recipes? (some that don't require a ton of prep work) You eat really great foods! I MIGHT need an explanation of what some of the items are...haha
3. read my theology books for the Survey of Systematic Theology course in the fall. I want to get a head start on the reading for that class so I can learn from it instead of just read to get it finished!
4. practice the things for the Piano Proficiency. I have to have 3 repertoire pieces and 6 accompaniments (which I already have). I also have a ton of hymns to whip into shape and some hymns by ear. I think with a summer of practice under my belt, I can get out of taking the piano level 4 class in the fall!
5. learn Spanish or Italian - ok I know this is a LONG shot (I know that because I have looked into the price of the software and it's 239482394832749823 dollars), but I'd really like to pick those back up again. I had 3 years of Spanish in high school and 2 semester of Italian in college, and I would like to pick up the basics again.
6. learn how to belt from Will
7. take lessons and pick out rep for my recital from Dr. Sherman.
I think those are great goals! The only problem I can see is that I have to be at work at 3, and I usually don't get home until around 11 or later. That means, I can't fall asleep until late, etc. It's a vicious cycle. I just don't want to waste my entire summer sleeping late and working.
There ya go!
Oh and just so ya know, SBTS dropped my program!
2 years ago
1 comment:
That sounds like a great list! :)
What sort of foods do you like? Email me, and I will send you some of my recipes that may be to your liking! :)
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