This post will be quite A.D.D. because I have a lot to cover.
First things first:
Those pesky videos.
WELL I have them all on DVDS...but I have no DVD burner. So much for getting them out to people before I move *ON SUNDAY!*
On Saturday, Momma and I went to the Humane Society and got two kitties!!! One for me and one for Hannah, my roommate because they are way cheaper here than in Louisville. Aria is my kitty, she's a 3 month old calico and SUPER cuddly. Miley was Hannah's kitty...and yes I did say was. She was a teeny 2 month old white kitty. After the first day we had her she started sneezing a little bit, but we just figured because she just got her first round of shots the day we picked her up, that it was because of that...WELL I left on Monday morning for Tennessee and she was fine...Momma called me on Wednesday night and said that she died! :( She was bouncing around all day like normal, then she started to slow down some, then by the end of the day she was dead. :( We have NO idea what happened...we only had her for 4 days. :(
Aria is ok. She was sneezing some, so my brudder (who is home from Idaho!!!!) took her to the vet the day after Miley died, and they said she had an upper respitory infection, so she's on antibiotics now. She seems to be ok!
Pigeon Forge/Gatlinburg!
I just got back yesterday from Tennessee with a great friend of mine, Amanda! We were down there for 3 nights. Neither one of us realized HOW BUSY that place is!! We stayed on the strip in Pigeon Forge and it was busy all the time. We had fun though! The first day consisted of window outlet shopping and a Murder Mystery Dinner Theatre called American Idle! It was a blast. I got to be one of the contestants (Annita Mann) where I sang parts of "Redneck Woman", "It's Rainin' Men", and "Fancy" and I won a little trophy and a free ride up the Ober Gatlinburg ski lift (which we never made it to.) We went white water rafting on Tuesday. It was a lot of fun, but the water levels are really low, so it wasn't a very hard trip at all. I think I'm ready for some bigger white water! Bethany and Jennifer drove down from Cleveland, and they got lost in Knoxville detour construction so they didn't even get to us until around 9 that night. We had a lot of fun just hanging around the hotel that night. Wednesday morning they left, and Manda and I went to Dollywood! It was fun, but kind of a pain in the butt becuase the park is laid out REALLY weird. We didn't stay the whole day because we were EXHAUSTED, but it was still a good time. Next time though, I think we'll go to the water park instead. That night we ran into downtown Gatlinburg...we had NO idea it was so super busy and packed with shopping, or we would have planned to be there longer. Oh well! We left yesterday afternoon after a little bit more outlet shopping. It was a really good trip.
Last night, I made it home around 530, and left around 550 to head to Man to play a softball game...we only had 8 girls so we had to forfeit, but we still scrimaged anyway and lost, but oh well! I almost didn't go, but I'm glad I did because we don't have a game tonight, so last night was my last game with them. :( I've had a blast playing this year. Those girls are a lot of fun.
Today and tomorrow are my last days here so in between packing fun, I'll be trying to spend time with my friends here. Mainly Bekah and Tabi, but there may be a few other stops here and there.
The end!
2 years ago
CAN'T WAIT for you to be here. Wes has to work Sunday, but I'm totally available to help. Just let me know details! :)
It sounds like you've been having a lot of fun!
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