I have always admired the genuis of Stephen Sondheim (Into the Woods is one of my favorite musicals), but recently I've developed a great passion for his work. I'm not super familiar with much of his stuff, unfortunately, but I hope to remedy that soon. I think I want to do an All Sondheim recital. I know that at SBTS, I have to do a recital, but I'm not sure what the requirements are. I'm sure they would let me do a specitality recital, and just not count it as my real recital? *shrug* I suppose I'll cross that bridge when I get there, but I'd LOVE to do a Sondheim recital, so today I spent $100 on Amazon.com and purchased all 4 volumes of his vocal selections, a book about the his shows *for research purposes*, and 3 CDs: a ballads of stephen sondheim cd, and the 2 disk Bernadette Peters (LOVE HER) Sondheim etc. set! :D
That's pretty cheap for all of that stuff. 5 books and 3 Cds!! Come on!
I'm going to start doing research right now because this is something I REALLY would love to do.
...I'd also love to learn every single vocal piece Debussy ever wrote, but there are a TON of them! AND they're in French...and while my French diction isn't atrocious...it's still pretty bad!
Anyway, I'm going to leave you with 3 videos for your viewing pleasure!
Bernadette Peters singing "No one is Alone" from Into the Woods
Bernadette Peters singing "Children with Listen" from Into the Woods
The only youtube video I could find of a girl singing one of my favorite Debussy pieces, "C'est l'extase". I really like her voice! I must warn you that French Art Song is somewhat of an aquired taste. I LOVE IT, and it's ok if you don't! :D
2 years ago
I love you...
...but you cannot complain about how much I spend on books, or call me a dork about it. Ever.
Also, I'm going to break into your blog account and change this stupid commenting thing so I don't have to be logged in as "Google/Blogger" since it links to the wrong blog.
I was forced to learn a Paladihle (sp?) song last semester.. I hated every step of it but it turned out to be my best song and the favorite of the ones I did at my jury.. it beat my Handel in the 'rave reviews' which hurt my soul a little.. but apparently I have the emotion needed to convey those complicated French emotions... hah
The only thing I hate about those complicated French emotions is that they are 95% about something dirty...
<3 you!
That explains a lot then. HAH!
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