Hello internet world!
I'm writing today to tell you that I finally have something to do with my time! Until now, I've been doing whatever I can to entertain myself, but mostly I just get up in the morning, practice a little piano, help organize some other part of my parents' house, and then go to work. I've been trying to reach the lady to play softball for over a month, but I've had no response. She doesn't have an answering machine, and I'm assuming since she doesn't know the number, she isn't answering the phone...but really, if the SAME number called you almost everyday for a month, wouldn't you eventually answer it!? Well she hasn't, so it doesn't look like I'll get to play softball this summer, which actually is kind of hard for me to grasp since I love it so much and have been looking forward to playing since LAST summer.
The Aracoma Story (our Native American heritage play) needed singer/dancers for one scene - the settler scene. My friend Jamie is directing this and she asked if I could do it. Well...I didn't audition for the show to begin with because 1. I really don't like it very much due to past directors turning it into a horrible mess, and 2. I work evenings. It actually got cancled this year, but Jamie and crew fought to keep it running leaving 20 days to put it up. A few of her singers dropped out due to various circumstances and she needed another one so she didn't have to sing. I can't be there final dress rehearsal OR the 20 and 21 because of prior commitments, but she said if I could do it, she'd just fill in for me those 3 nights. I talked to my boss at Bobs and for the 6 days it actually conflicts with my work schedule, they are going to let me come in and work mornings, so I don't have to take 2 weeks off of work to do the show!!!! I'm super pumped! I only get two rehearsals though...this Saturday and next Saturday, so hopefully, I'll pick it up quickly. I know I get to sing a verse in the song and I'll be dancing around like a happy settler lady! :D I'm pretty excited! I think I'm more excited just to have something else to do with my time.
Although...this organizing the house for my parents has actually been kind of fun...do I see a future as a personal organizer!? Maybe! If the wedding coordinator dream doesn't work out! ;)
Have a good day!
Oh yeah! I almost forgot! I will not be living on campus this fall because I realized that I can save $200 a month by living with a roommate offcampus. SO, Bryan has a friend, Hannah, that ALSO needed a roommate, so we decided to live together. We've been doing apartment searching and she's actually got appointments to see...3 or 4 of them this afternoon!!!!!!!! Hopefully, we can find one quickly that doesn't make us start paying rent on June 15...I'd rather not have to pay for 2 months I won't be there.
2 years ago
Oh the many times I've been in the settler scene, lol! At least you won't have to change and wash between the indians and the settlers, like I had to! If I'm down there anytime that it's playing I'll be sure to see it!
Exciting! Keep me posted on the GAH (Great Apartment Hunt). ;)
Haha, yeah...I wouldn't be an indian EVER that's why I've never been in the show!
<3 you!
I will Beth!
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