Well, the living with Hannah fun is going to work out! :D She found an apartment that she actually almost signed a lease for last month, but her roommate fell through at the last minute. It's still available because of another string of events that made the guys living in it (friends of hers) have to stay an extra month. SO we have an apartment!!!!!!
I haven't even seen it in person, but I've seen pictures, and I don't even care that much because Hannah's the one driving around everywhere looking for them, and since she was super pumped, I was like OK! :D
Here's the only thing I dislike about it...

That's right...HIDEOUS University of Louisville inspired bathroom...ick!
Everything else is great though!!! Hannah and I are ok with the black in the bathroom, but the red is a little offensive. (And it is actually red, not orange, but the picture doesn't so that too well) Any suggestions? The only thing we can think of is tile paint?
Take it all out and replace it with treated wood.
Or- alternatively-
replace it with stone work. That would be cool.
Maybe someone can stitch together a nice cross-stitch, or possibly a patch-work quilt, that can be cut to fit the floor.
Better yet- lava. With glass over it. You need to invent some machine that would circulate the lava though, so that it's constantly moving underneathe you.
Man, that would be cool.
I say: embrace the cheese!
I think we SHOULD try the lava with glass over it!
I was just reminded of why I love you!
but it's University of Louisville...LOUISVILLE! ewwwww haha
ha! Ok...I had though about redoing it too...would we be able to?
Sam...if you install a lava-lamp floor, I don't know that I'd leave the bathroom....it'd be SWEET though!
That is ONE intense bathroom! You could always decorate it with a Halloween theme...
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