I tell you one thing, learning to be content in all situations is way harder than I ever thought it would be. I go through phases, but I think if you would peel back all the layers, even when it looks like I'm content...I don't know that I am. I'm speaking specifically about being here this summer. (I didn't want anyone to think it has anything to do with ANYTHING else.) I need to learn to be content doing nothing, or working, or sitting around at a rehearsal to walk on stage, stand there, not rehearse the song/dance for the only scene I'm in, and go sit back stage again.
I need to be content when my friends are VERY late for things, or when they fall asleep by mistake or accidently go to the wrong theatre. Those things aren't their fault. I'm sure Tabi didn't mean to misunderstand me and go to the wrong theatre. And really NONE of these things actually matter in the grand scheme of the world...it's just me being SUPER over-dramatic and I know that.
Praying about being content is kind of like praying for patience...God sticks you in the middle of situations and says...deal with this. And ya know, I don't think I would deal with it at all in any other way. YaY God for knowing what you're doing!
Another thing...a kid I used to be decent friends with is now in jail for various crimes...not cool!
Also...keep the Guy and Sparks families in your prayers. Ashley Guy died yesterday morning and the reasons aren't really known. I didn't know Ashley very well AT ALL...as in, she was married to Patrick Sparks...I went to school with Patrick's younger sister Jennifer, and their mom has been my hair stylist since middle school. Ashley and Patrick have been married MAYBE 2 years...and they have a 3 month old daughter...so please keep the families in your prayers.
She was involved with The Aracoma Story (TAS) years ago, so it's hit some of the members of the cast pretty hard. It's hard anyway because this is the 5th person that I know of that has passed away that was heavily involved in TAS, so being at the park for rehearsals is always kind of hard on some.
Jennifer Williams died when she was about 12...I was only 6 or even a little younger. She lived up here on the hill, so I remember a few things about her but not much. Her parents Mike and Wendy are still active with TAS and every year there's a girl that looks a lot like Jennifer...this year is no different.
Ron Moxley died...hmm what summer was that? 2002? I think. His daughter Cathleen is a year younger than me. I did the Shawnee Trail with him for a couple years.
Matt Patterson died 2 summers ago? He was in Fiddler on the Roof. His first summer with TAS was my first also. He was about 5 years older than me.
Ruby Sutter died this past fall. Ruby was one of the greatest ladies you could ever meet and I've been in shows with her since I started there. It's especially weird to be back without Ruby there. Last summer I saw her at "Lil' Abner" and she was very excited that I was coming back for this summer...
and now Ashley.
wow...I don't know that I ever really realized all that before...
that's enough for now
this post definitely was very stream of consciousness...sorry about that
2 years ago