Weeks like this week really make me miss the gang in Morgantown. I got to spend an amazing week with them during the break! I got a lot of school work done, but still got to spend real quality time with some of my greatest friends. Then Sunday, the LOU came to visit me!! She was visiting campus and things, so I got to spend 2.5 days with her!! But when she left...it was back to the same thing it usually is here. Me...and that's it.
Bryan and I have such different schedules and heavy homework loads, that it's hard to spend any time together. I'm not used to living with a roommate I don't do anything with...When I lived with Danielle G. she and I had the same major, so we hung out all the time and it was wonderful! With Sommer, we had the same friends, so I always knew where we were going and what we would be doing on any given night. I actually opted out of hanging out quite a lot so I could talk to B on the phone and we STILL spent a TON of time together. There were always people to call at the last minute for dinner or a random movie. Actually, often times, I didn't have to call, they'd just be around my house. It got old sometimes, like too much of anything often can, but I loved being around them. I miss the inside jokes that keep come up in a new way every night. I miss feeling like I'm needed...I have that with Bryan. I feel like he needs me, and I need him, but like I said before, our schedules are crazy, so it's hard to spend a lot of time together...
I think I probably bring some of this on myself by opting to turn on an episode of Friends rather than call someone to do something. I'm kind of back in the same spot I was in the spring semester of my first senior year when I had my senior recital. I shut down from the outside world because I had so much stuff to get done. I realize that yes, I have a lot to do, but hiding away behind a book or piano isn't always healthy...
Pretty much I just really miss my friends right now.
I know I'm being all girly and whiny, but I don't care. I long for a real connection. I have a few girl friends here, for which I'm VERY thankful, but I guess even after 2 months, I still want that closeness I had in Morgantown. I realize that those things, the jokes and everything, take time and to be fair, I guess I'm not really giving it much time...
It seems like it's been much longer than 2 months...maybe because I can count the number of girl dates I've had on 3 fingers...or even any kind of friend time...when you're used to having that sort of thing all the time...it can be a hard thing to get used to. I think I can even count dates with B on one hand...we've been in the same room doing homework together a lot, so at least I get to see his handsome face and laugh at his ridiculous commentary!!! Even when I lived at home away from the Morgantown gang, I still was friends with the girls at work and on my softball team. Work here is different. I'm starting to feel like I fit in a little more, so that's good!
Pretty much I'm just being whiny and need to get over it, but I think first, I'll pray.
2 years ago
It's alright to be in a funk! I was very anti-social when we first moved because I missed my friends. I'm still trying to reach out to try to forge new friendships! It takes time. And anyway, there is nothing wrong with spending time alone! :)
Jordan and I had the same problem when we were in school...we both had two jobs and TONS of school work! We usually ended up hanging out and doing our homework together! Some date, huh?
ummm....yeah....do you realize you are at most 45 minutes from me?!
I have REALLY cute kids that I KNOW put a smile on your face!
Silly cousinface!! Hello...just call!!! (and I should too)
We need to set up a weekly phone date!
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