I mean that both sarcastically and sincerely.
(Yes, you can do that.)
On Sunday, Louisville was hit by the 80mph winds of Hurricane Ike who ripped up trees, knocked down power poles, and blew transformers leaving 90% of the city without power. Classes were canceled for the week due to the fact that roads were closed because of all the debris.
My apartment building of 4 apartments and a house across the alley were the only ones on the block with power, so our apartment was a revolving door of people sleeping, eating, taking showers, and plugging things in. Until early Wednesday morning when LG&E began to work on the lines outside our house. Since then, our apartment building and the house across the alley have also been without power. Nothing major was lost...a few things of frozen veggies, but we cleared the fridge out and took the contents to my roommate's parent's house. (They lost power Sunday, but got it back on Tuesday.)
Since Wednesday, I've spent a LOT of time in random dining establishments with free internet catching up on school work and reading. At the present moment, I'm at Denny's about a mile down from my house trying to finish up the last bit of reading I need to do and generally waiting until I'm tired enough to go home and sleep. My roommate (Hannah) said we should have power sometime in the morning. I'm not sure where she heard this, but I sure hope it's true!
It sucks not being able to do things (like practice for piano on your electric clavinova) or read in your own house, etc. but it really hasn't been horrible. I'm way ahead on my readings for class, which means that I will be able to concentrate on my 2 papers and creative worship project during fall break (which we still get - thank you private school!)
Other than the events of Ike, things have been going really well!
I'm working on presenting myself more seriously...I know that sounds odd, but it has been brought to my attention that I don't look like I take my school work as seriously as I actually do. I bust my butt in my classes and lessons, and my professors can tell, but according to my voice teacher, I don't come off like I take it seriously at all. I'm not really sure why it matters how I present myself...and to be honest, I'm not even 100% sure what my error has been, but *shrug*. I'm just going to observe my behaviors to see if there is something I actually need to fix, or just because I'm so laid back in my lessons she thinks I carry that out to all my other classes...Again...I'm still not 100% sure why it matters if I do in fact get everything finished...but oh well! I'm learning! :D
2 years ago
I'm glad that you were able to have power, for a while at least!
Ummm, I'm not sure that you can "look" like you take your school work seriously. It's lame that you have to behave differently to conform to their expectations, instead of seeking to please God with your efforts and stewardship of the gifts He's given you! *Humpf!*
Yo! Cousin face!
Hi! :)
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