Hello folks!
I know it's been awhile since I've actually posted anything substantial and I appologize for that. All I do these days is work, and nothing worth mentioning happens there. This is a fun 2 topic blog! WOOHOO! American Idol banter is in the beginning, followed by the differences I've noticed between the Morgantown Bobs and the Logan Bobs. Enjoy!
Tonight, I've decided to voice my American Idol opinion. Take it or leave it!
Each season, I think I get more disappointed in this show...
I don't think I've actually watched an entire season from beginning to end. The entire process drags on too much for me. The 4 weeks of bad auditions; the long, boring, hour long results show; things like that. Having been to audition before (years ago for season 4) I KNOW how much great talent they get rid of in the beginning phases just to up the amount of goof balls for the audition shows. If they actually let through the talented people *I'm not EVEN considering myself, so don't think that please* this would actually be a great competition!
This season, I'm a little bored. I think they are all great singers, but only one of them has shown any type of versatility...David Cook. And he only showed that this past week during Andrew Loyd Webber week! He's a rocker, but he took on "Music of the Night" from "Phantom of the Opera", and actually sang in the style it was written for! He didn't make it a rock ballad and it proved what a great vocalist he really is!
Syesha finally looked like she was having fun this week! I thought she sounded great, looked great, and was very entertaining! I've never heard the song from "Starlight Express" that she did, but it was a great choice.
Aside from those 2, the rest have still just stayed the same. They pick different songs, but sing them in the exact same way. I really like all of their voices, but isn't this show supposed to showcase your versatility!? *shrug*
Those are just a few quick thoughts on the contestants!
As far as the show goes...how much longer do you think they'll keep this up? It's such a good concept for entertainment, but I'm a little frustrated with the judges. Simon can stay, but I feel like they need to get people in there who can actually give criticisms that will help the contestants. Randy and Paula very rarely provide that kind of feed back. I also would LOVE to see a vocal coach, or someone that knows a bit about the voice and how it works, on the judges panel. I know that 90% of Americans watching and voting don't care about what the singers are doing technically, but for those of us that do, it'd be nice.
Anyway, that's my little Idol rant. I don't know if there will be another one, but you never know. Since I just sit around my house when I'm not at work, you might get another!
And for the Bob Evans fun I'm sure you've all been dying to know about.
I don't mean to compare the Logan Bobs with the Morgantown Bobs, but I worked at the one up north for almost 4 years straight...so similarities and differences are noticed and here is a small list of those things:
* we do a LOT more carry out here than up there.
I'm serious. We have to have a person on Carry Out specifically for the majority of the day because it gets so busy over there that the servers would KILL someone if it was on pick-up.
* in general, the manners here are not so great...
I'm not going to go into details because then I'll get worked up, but it's WAY harder to work down here because of the constant feeling of being under appreciated.
* Working evenings here is MUCH better than working evenings up there.
I used to HATE working evenings in Morgantown because I was the oldest person on the server line (at 23), we never made much money, I had been there the longest...including longer than the night shift manager, and many more reasons.
* The dinner rush is MUCH later down here.
Seriously, we'll be dead from 5-7 (in the Mo, that was a busiser time) and we'll get hit with a rush around 715 *sometimes later* that doesn't stop until we lock the doors. Thursday night, I didn't leave until 10 after 10 because people just kept coming in...we close at 9
* I've already sold more desserts down here than I did my entire 4 year stint in Morgantown.
* We go through WAY more rolls down here and much less banana nut bread.
* The first questions one was asked up north where typically, "are you a student, what year, what's your major" etc...here, I was asked 3 times my first day, "do you have any kids" haha it was cute
* I get super excited to see kids I used to know because I get to catch up with them and find out what they are up to. It's been 5 years since graduation, and most are finishing up school (if they haven't do so already) so it's cool to chat with them in this transitional part of their lives
* We don't really have rules down here...like we can eat and drink on the server line...people will stay onthe phone all day if they can (some of them), if I'm hungry, I can eat a roll in front of my managers and no one will say a word. Up in the Mo, NONE of those things would have happened EVER! (I'd actually prefer it that way here...)
So there's my list of things!
I can't say which one I like more. Actually, yes I can. I liked working at the one up north more. I LOVE waiting tables, but when I was busy up there, I didn't get flustered because of the demeanor of my customers. Here, it's really hard to get super busy, and have people treat you like dirt. And even if they leave a good tip, it doesn't matter. Money doesn't fix feeling under rated.
There you go!
have a nice day!
2 years ago
You forgot to mention one other differance:
Variation in proximity to the boyfriend.
Maybe that will sway your choice.
Welcome back to the blogging world! You've been missed. :)
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