I'm sorry I don't write in this thing much. I only know a few people who actually read it, and 95% of the time, they already know what's going on in my life.
Things have been crazy here lately. I made it through my mid-semester meltdown with minimal damage, but I still feel like I'll never catch up. This semester has taken SO long to get going, and my schedule constantly changes *even still*, so I have NO routine. (And for those of you who know me...you KNOW I need routine).
Oh well!
Rehearsals for the Mozart opera are going REALLY well. We're having a blast and learning a lot from Dr. Sherman. She's an AMAZING teacher! (I found my adult voice, p.s.! No more sounding like a high school soprano in my middle range!!!)
I am one of the founding members of an a capella group this semester at school. We aren't really sure what will come of it, but there's really nothing better than singing sacred works in a jazz style! It's great!
I'm trying to think of things that actually matter...but there aren't really many, so here's a nicely organized bullet list:
* I am moving from the Bob's I'm at now, to a new one!
* I got my wisdom teeth out and everyone said it would be horrible
* I was not (so far I've had no problems at all)
* I start pre-marital counseling with the B tonight!!!
* I'm really pumped about it! It should be a lot of fun!
* I can't think of anything else
* I really hope best friend Lou comes to school here.
* All of my best girl friends from here are leaving or have already left...
it's hard enough on a seminary campus to find friends who are girls to actually hang out with, but they are all leaving. :( Helena left already, Jenn is leaving after this semester, Alison is leaving in August. :( Sad DAY!
2 years ago
Have fun with the pre-marital counseling...as I said to your man, if you can get through the awkward sex discussion, and actually read the "homework" with a straight face (it is oh-so-cheesy), the rest is a breeze!
1. I read your blog. I think you are the only person who reads mine, haha!
2. I <3 your face
3. I will be somewhere in the fall...and regardless of where that is you will def be on my frequent visitor list. Just pray for me...this part is always difficult.
4. Again, I <3 your face
I read this blog! :) And I didn't know a lot of that... sad.
Can you help me find my voice? I don't know where it's been all of my life.... ;)
I had my wisdom teeth out when I was 18... nice drugs...
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